Downtown Stores

I really want to know what is going on downtown…blow my socks off J.C.
I’m feeling a little naive, so open my eyes to some reality, please.

That’s sounding a little suggestive My2cents!  LOL 

[quote=“Justin Case”]
But if anyone is willing to sit down and try to look at things that mwork please advise me or maybe invite me please. I see stuff in this community everyday which would blow your socks off. [/quote]

At one point Rupert had an active Citizens on Patrol (Cops) organization sponsored by I believe one of the rotary clubs in town. As this seemed to be a good way to give our police more eyes and ears on the street, perhaps someone with more recent experience could let us know if this is still active or what the experience was if it is not longer operating.

The RCMP  invited  the public to a meeting at the College last March regarding the vandalism and other issues in town.  I expected there to be a huge turnout but was very disappointed.  Probably, twenty people showed up and they held the meeting in the lobby. They spoke of the COP Program , it had been dismantled due to lack of volunteers and the volunteers had quit due to lack of support but they had invited anyone in the public who was willing to meet regarding this to contact them. To this date there have been no replies. It was very disheartening to see how few showed for this as it was very informative.

must not have advertised it very well

That seems to be one of the big problems when they “Not the RCMP in general” but many organizations plan a meeting to discuss serious issues and most of the people who show are either the service providers and mostly other workers yet they say the public is or was invited. Then it turns into another social gathering where they spend most of the time patting one another on the back. I think it really is time for some action and discussion in regards to how problems are dealt with and being put on the back burner once again.

I wish that were the excuse decker, but it had been advertised for awhile in many locations beforehand. Justin Case was right as most of us there were either current service providers, former service providers and a couple of business owners. We stayed afterwards for a Q&A but not too long as the cops had eaten most of the good donuts  :smiley:

LOL… not

Justin Case… I am interested in hearing about the goings on downtown. I sincerly want to know what goes on in our community that made you say that.

It has nothing to do with lack of advertising. And a whole lot to do with what I’ve mentioned before. People like to bitch, rant and complain about anything and everything to do with the goings on in this city. But when it comes to action, and being accountable for your bitchings, no one shows.

People say they care about this town, but talk is cheap…

It’s action that proves you care, not lack of it.

I care, but all I can do is make donations in a form of whatever I can offer and see what happens. It’s like playing SimCity except you’re not the mayor, and your “achievements” produced anywhere from short-term improvements to epic fail. =.=

Depressing and demoralising, eh?

And BTW, people like myself don’t have all the time on their hands. I wish, but that’s if the Earth makes one rotation in 48 hours.

Of course, and that’s what everyone says: “I don’t have time” :unamused:

I’ve always thought of that as a lame excuse. Really lame…

The fact is, if you WANTED to do it, you’d make time. I’m sure you make time to spend with your friends, or family or for yourself…  If you can make time for that, why can’t you also make time for the community? Or whatever it is that’s being complained about at that moment in time.

It’s okay to be upset about things that go on. But to constantly drag everything down like this site does. Holy hannah, if you don’t like it make some time and try to see what YOU can do to fix it. Not having time is a watery excuse.

OK Super Wonder Bubbasteve, I make time… I’ll contribute 30 seconds to the community for the sole purpose of giving facepalm and talking crap to 50-60% of Rupertites to increase “motivation”.

Then the next evening a riot of almost every Rupertites with sticks, torches, and pitchforks will be chasing me around so they can drown me off the Rushbrook dock.

Now this is what I call community volunteerism in action (that won’t last very long). >.>

you obviously don’t have kids :neutral_face:

You’re right I don’t.

I also know plenty of mothers who work full time, and also make time to contribute to our community. Besides, I’m not saying that everyone HAS to get out and do something. I’m saying, if you’re going to be constantly complaining about it, you should at least be contributing to the solution of the problem. Otherwise you’re just making things worse.

[quote=“bubbasteve735”]Besides, I’m not saying that everyone HAS to get out and do something. I’m saying, if you’re going to be constantly complaining about it, you should at least be contributing to the solution of the problem. Otherwise you’re just making things worse.

I rarely complain, I just think 50-75% of fellow Rupertites are just happy dodo heads. =.=’

Are they single mothers? Mothers with 12-16 year olds?

What row were you in at the meeting? There was only 2. Sometimes you are right Bubbasteve, talk is cheap.

No, they have younger children then that, and fisherman husbands…

PS Jazella, I’m not the one doing the bitching about our town…  :wink:


Drove by Smiles today and they had plywood over their two side windows. Were they vandalized also and if so, the damn “perps” are heading out of town, so to speak  :imp:

Could have been the wind that blew out Smiles’ windows… it was blowing a bit around 3am this morning.  The last time I went to Smiles this summer, the guy behind me tried to open the window for air, and the window fell out!