Debate continues around traffic lights downtown

It’s been eight weeks since a wild windstorm hit Prince Rupert, causing damage to trees, roofs, vehicles and wiped out power. Included in the list of damage was the electrical controller for the traffic lights at main intersection in Prince Rupert’s downtown. … 90039.html

Another setting to show how City Council or Hall are not even able to address a need such as this. Someone is going to get clipped at the intersection either on foot or in a car . I have no idea why we have not asked for a By-Election to remove most of that council. They are either in Jack’s back pocket or they do not have the rightr stuff to speak out. They were out in there with their promise for this and that , their term is coming to an end and they have not done shit. Anna and Gina have made some honest tries but the rest is history.

Doesn’t really sound like a council problem to me…
You’re always very quick to blame them though. It kind of amuses me, thank you for amusing me today Justincase!


Doesn’t really sound like a council problem to me…
You’re always very quick to blame them though. It kind of amuses me, thank you for amusing me today Justincase![/quote]

So if it’s not a council problem whose is it? Who’s responsible to ensure our infrastructure is current and maintainable? Exactly who is running the show at city hall? Enquiring minds want to know bubba…

That main intersection is actually moving these days, why would they fix something that has obviously been improved by natures elegant ways ???

from the article, it sounds like they are working on it, it’s tough to find things like that.

And would you like to pay more money in taxes buying a brand new system, or would you like to find a refurbished one, that is cheaper and just as good?
It doesn’t sound to me like the council is the problem in this case, should have been what I said.

And maybe ask what I mean, or read the article before you jump down my throat, K THX BYE

personally i am glad that that intersection is just flashing reds now. i go through that intersection every morning and always had to wait a long time for the lights to turn green,
traffic is flowing much faster now

Personally, I have no issue with the flashing lights.

My only problem is when I approach with no traffic in front of me. When I stop, I sometimes wait for the light to change. Not dangerous. Just embarrassing!

[quote=“bubbasteve735”]from the article, it sounds like they are working on it, it’s tough to find things like that.
And would you like to pay more money in taxes buying a brand new system, or would you like to find a refurbished one, that is cheaper and just as good?
It doesn’t sound to me like the council is the problem in this case, should have been what I said.

And maybe ask what I mean, or read the article before you jump down my throat, K THX BYE[/quote]

Yeah, it’s also tough to find a decent buggy whip these days. Maybe if this municipality spent it’s money on infrastructure improvement throughout the years instead of hiring friends and family or subsidizing ferry traffic, (Airport and Alaskan), buying up cable companies and other adventures … we would be able to afford management in our public works department that was competent and also be able to give them adequate budgets to deal with the crap infrastructure that is crumbling around our ears.

It wasn’t that long ago we saw how long it took the incompetents at the City to deal with the Fulton Avenue repairs and hearing Howie speak on the lights is like deja vu. As a public service, here’s a link Council may wish to give to their management look at to speed things up … light.html

[quote] City Hall is near the intersection and Mayor Jack Mussallem has heard from some citizens that they like the flow of traffic that results from the flashing lights.
“If there’s only two or three cars waiting in line, it goes quickly,” he said. [/quote]

Alternatively since the Mayor is apparently now listening to some citizens… maybe he should simply tear out the lights and put a four way stop since the downtown is dying anyhow.

I don’t mind the flashing lights. You just have to watch out for pedestrians using the cross walks, which we all do anyways since some people like to walk when the lights are green or red.

I don’t mind the flashing reds either, mind you I do not use it as often, and found myself following the car in front of me when I should heve stopped.

I would like to see them put new/referbished lights up at the corner on second Ave, where the cheveron is and the main pedestrian crossing, dangerous place, saw another accident there which seemed to involve a pedestrian a week or so ago.

Yep, I have to say I like the 4 way stop anyway. I haven’t had any trouble either as a pedestrian or a driver.

The city needs to get the controlled lights working again.

While as a driver I like the flashing 4-way stop (so long as there is only a few cars), but as a pedestrian I do not think it is safe, especially at this intersection which is arguably one of the busiest in the downtown core.

The city needs to get this fixed sooner rather than later, someone is going to eventually be hit.

I also second the motion for them to put pedestrian controlled lights up at the intersection of Post Office/Chevron/Tricorp/Bank of Montreal…such a busy pedestrian crossing there.

I would imagine, that the only people who really have trouble crossing the street, are people who walk across without stopping. I can’t imagine any stopped driver wouldn’t let a pedestrian cross, if he/she waited on the sidewalk. Maybe I’m wrong. But it seems a fair amount of pedestrians in this town need to learn that just because they have the right of way, doesn’t mean that they can cross whenever they want to. And they may be saying a different thing, when they’re in the hospital after being hit by an oncoming car.

[quote=“bubbasteve735”]from the article, it sounds like they are working on it, it’s tough to find things like that.

And would you like to pay more money in taxes buying a brand new system, or would you like to find a refurbished one, that is cheaper and just as good?
It doesn’t sound to me like the council is the problem in this case, should have been what I said.

And maybe ask what I mean, or read the article before you jump down my throat, K THX BYE[/quote]

Perhaps the city should review its finances before raising taxes to pay for a new traffic light. Like perhaps the expense of running a telecommunications company that is mounting a very poor effort to compete with multi-billion dollar companies?

Perhaps (and I may be wrong here) they are not doing that because the very same person in charge of infrastructure is also collecting a handsome sum for being in charge of citywests operations?

Sell citywest to telus, rogers,bell whoever try to keep rights to the last mile and lease it out to them for a low rate == revenue. Granted you’d pretty much have to give citywest away without the last mile infrastructure but in the end its whats best for the city and would bring in monthly revenue.

OH right someones family member would be out of their cake walk job then. I’m sorry lets raise taxes to pay for a new traffic light. Fuck what a hick town this has become. Just put a collection plate at the corner and make it official.

Wouldn’t that be the job of the highways department? I thought that was the reason there was pedestrian controlled lights on second avenue, and timed control on third. One is the City’s responsibility, the other four are taken care of by the highways department. Or am I mistaken?

I believe that the Highway Dept. are responsible for 2nd.