Daily News changes

well i hope the paper keeps going for the sake of people at is goinemployed there . no matter what is going  on

Having followed this discussion since it started I find that the amount of discussion that it has prompted is positive.  The only rumor started is that Earl Gale is an ethical, all around good guy.  Yeah Bubbasteve, we don’t want that kind of rumor going around.  Seriously, there is no rumor in the honest concern behind the questions that come up when a community such as ours may be about to lose valued members.    Earl’s column suggested that he was reluctant to leave, and again as already stated he just bought a house.  It just seems that in life some choices my be ours to make and some choices are helped along - this may be one of those latter cases where those closest to the source may show support for a journalist/editor who has shown himself to be ethical and honest and a good all around guy!!!

Probably just another step to one world government and all that, take over the media you know that’s how its done

The person who delivers my FREE Wednesday and Friday paper should be unemployed…I rarely get either…and if I do…I get Wednesday and Friday ON FRIDAY!! 

I know I shouldn’t complain because its free but businesses pay to have their ads delivered to each household in Rupert and I know I’m not the only one not getting a paper.

      You should consider yourself LUCKY …I never get the FREE paper  delivered during the week but every once in a blue moon, I will get Fridays’ paper delivered on Saturday when I have already bought one or borrowed one. A real piss-off :imp: and then I have the View delivered sometimes and it is all the same news only usually one or two weeks late !

Someone’s ears must be burning…I got BOTH papers tonight!!!

I never get the paper, ever. I get the view regularly. But never ever the Daily News.
I just want my goddamned flyers. But they don’t have enough carriers to get the job done properly. What’s worse is, someone has screwed around with the routes, so they can’t figure out who actually is supposed to be delivering my paper. But everything will be fixed. I know that for sure.

              If they don’t have enough carriers for the routes, then why does my neighbor always get their paper when they are supposed to and when I asked the carrier one day last summer, she just said she didn’t know and I should ask the paper. They in turn didn’t know why the carrier was not delivering it.  It’s not just me, it seems to be hit and miss on our street !!  We have a different carrier now but still don’t get the paper BUT neither does my neighbor.  If it weren’t so ridiculous it would be HILARIOUS…I get the paper from my hometown in Ontario and it gets here promptly but that is only once a month… :smiley:  By the way bubbasteve735, I hope the paper can live up to all these “promises” you seem to be making…or is that just wishful thinking on your part ?

I’m hoping to develop an articulate response, but not this late at night, to the Daily News of Thursday, February 19.  For the time being, a brief observation.  This thread started with speculation regarding changes at the newspaper.  Now we have facts to talk about. 

  1. The editorial, which is unsigned, proudly denies that the role of a newspaper is to just report the news.  Instead, it boldly insists that it will be biased in favour of “good news”, and that the media should be a participant (partisan?) in events, in order to have a desired impact on the readers.  In this case, we are supposed to be encouraged to keep on smiling despite the economy, because things won’t turn around if we frown.
        Furthermore, since it is an unsigned editorial, I wonder at the source.  The assistant editor?  Who is she assisting?  The manager?  Or is it from the head office of Glacier Media?

2.  The ap section on provincial, national and international news is gone. 

  1. On page 7, there is an ad asking for the public to submit pictures of “local events, sports, fundraisers, etc.”  Is that what will replace the lost news from beyond Highway 16?

Those are all facts (and some questions).  Not an ounce of speculation.  And I still think “that’s worth wondering about.”

I first heard the phrase “participatory journalism” a week ago on CNN. :astonished:

What do you expect from a newspaper that has no libel insurance!

A letter echoing some of the sentiment in this thread was in yesterday’s Daily News–good read.

May I just ask, “Why do we need two other newspapers, specifically the View and The Northern Connector?”.  They offer up the same articles, promos, adverts. etc. as the Daily News, only usually two weeks later and one has to wonder, with everyone speaking of going Green and Yes, I know paper is recycled ( even though the cost efficiency of that is not at it’s best in that business at the moment) why is my mailbox jammed with these things or they are thrown on my steps in the rain and I have a nice soggy mess to dispose of or my neighbor feels free to toss them in the wind and they fly all over the neighborhood…Why, why,why…I am tired of all the damn paper, oh and another little bugaboo, why do we get circulars for stores that the closest is in Prince George?  Sorry, just had to vent :unamused:

we get flyers for prince george because there is no where decent to shop here and people do go there . the northern view should expand and try to take away the daily news fans. i only get the free papers for the daily news now as the other days there isnt much news in them anyway. go green that way :smile:

We get papers for stores that are in Prince George for Price Match.

Most of the bigger stores in town will do a price match.
Saves people a couple bucks! :smile:

NOT Only on cheap stuff like Soda or Potato Chips either…
This summer I could have saved $400 on a TV I wanted to buy because of Walmart In Terrace.

I could have used the Walmart Paper in Zellers (know what I’m saying?! :smile: )


  1. The editorial, which is unsigned, proudly denies that the role of a newspaper is to just report the news.  Instead, it boldly insists that it will be biased in favour of “good news”, and that the media should be a participant (partisan?) in events, in order to have a desired impact on the readers.  In this case, we are supposed to be encouraged to keep on smiling despite the economy, because things won’t turn around if we frown.[/quote]

So I wrote a letter to the editor – my last defence if you will of ‘my legacy’. (Tongue firmly planted in cheek). I doubt they’ll run it, but here it is. I dedicate it to Earle, Rodney, Leanne and Pat. We undoubtedly screwed up frequently, but you can’t say we didn’t do our best to try and uphold the idea that we bore a responsability as the paper of record …

Dear Editor,

I would like to take this opportunity to respond to The Daily News editorial of Feb. 26, 2009. As a reporter at the Daily News for four years between 2003 and 2007 I was guilty of committing many of the crimes that you highlighted in your bold manifesto for the future of news media. After reading it, I become acutely aware of what a great disservice I had done the people of Prince Rupert and thought it fitting that I apologize immediately.  A ‘mea culpa’ follows:

I would like to apologize to North Coast Transition Society. I wrote many stories that brought awareness of violence against women and children in the community. This was wrong of me because it probably made people uncomfortable (and perpetuated violence against women). Thank you for the award you gave me in 2006 for this work, it will be returned to you shortly.

I would like to apologize to the families of all the missing and murdered women along Highway 16. How was I to know when I covered these stories in 2004 that they would get re-printed in newspapers across Canada and that by 2006 people around the world would be coming to the North to report about and investigate the ‘Highway of Tears.’ This was very selfish on my part.

I apologize to the family of Alberta Williams. I know you felt like no one was willing to listen to your family’s heartbreak or do anything for your loved one. In retrospect, I realize this was a private pain and neither of us had any right to bring it to the public’s attention.

I would like to apologize to residential school survivors. I know sharing your experiences were part of the healing process, but you should really have been more cognizant of the impact these stories may have on the bottom line of the business community. Or, at least I should have been aware of that impact and told you to go away.

I would like to apologize to the woman who was taken to Terrace to give birth because there were no nurses at the hospital, and the man who was almost killed because all the various health bodies in the province didn’t know how to properly communicate with each other. In addition, I apologize to people with mental health concerns (in the future, please suffer in silence, okay?), people dying of cancer who had to ride a bus alone for 16 hours to get to Vancouver for treatment and for highlighting the high incidence of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease in the region. Next time you have sex, just remember to think positive (oh wait, ‘positive’ is a bad thing when it comes to this stuff isn’t it?).

I’d like to apologize to the RCMP and Crimestoppers. I know you felt the need to nominate us for awards that we eventually received (a provincial one from the solicitor-general and a national one from Crimestoppers), but it turns out bringing attention to crime in the community and helping you make it a safer place was irresponsible and egotistical.

I would like to apologize to local parents and students. I wrote stories on drug use in your schools, bullying and racism. I realize know, that if only I had ignored it, it would have gone away.

I would like to apologize to the local fishing community. If I hadn’t reported on it, your industry wouldn’t have been decimated, openings wouldn’t have been so short and many of you wouldn’t have been forced to food banks and other services when no one could meet their EI hours. I didn’t know salmon could read newspapers, but ignorance is no defence of the law.

Lastly, I’d like to apologize to the taxpayers of Prince Rupert. Letting you know about increased property taxes or how government was spending your money was no more my business then yours. Just trust that they know what they’re doing – you have to support them in these difficult times.

In closing, because the world is a bigger place then Prince Rupert, I would like to apologize on behalf of the more than the 700 journalists that have been killed doing their jobs over the last 10 years. Their crime was reporting on all sorts of negative things like government corruption, drugs and war. I’m sure they’re as ashamed of themselves as I am of them.

James Vassallo

The Daily News, 2003 - 2007

Thanks, James, for reminding us of the value of real journalism, and the values of those who practice it.  Hope it gets published.

Well said James

GREAT “Letter to the Editor” James and it will speak volumes if they haven’t the courage to print it.  You and I spoke on a few occasions regarding services in town and I thank you for listening and reporting fairly to the public regarding them.

im thinking of writing a letter saying i wont be buying anymore papers if they go to a “good” news format. hard to raise kids and prepare them for the real world if they only see good news.

and schumacher is gone too? whats up with this paper ? they just going to use stories from other cities?