Cp -R command help

can any one tell me if there is a way around these errors popping up…im trying to copy my backup folder to my mini yellow drive but keep getting errors.

[Jason-leamasns-Computer:~] jasonlea% cp -R /Users/jasonlea/Desktop/yellow /Volumes/YELLOW/
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Back-Grounds/Microsoft User Data/Documents/albums/.users/1057096444:1755202938.lock: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Back-Grounds/Microsoft User Data/Documents/albums/.users/1057096444:1755202938: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Back-Grounds/Microsoft User Data/Documents/albums/.users/1057096444:1755202938.bak: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script Menu Items/Create Task from Message\cT: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script Menu Items/Create Event from Message\cE: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script Menu Items/Create Note from Message\cN: File name too long
cp: /Volumes/YELLOW/yellow/Documents/Microsoft User Data/MSN Messenger History/kyosho_man@hotmail.com/
: File name too longyellow/Safari Dl’s/12.wmv.download/Icon
: File name too longyellow/Safari Dl’s/Leaman.pdf.download/Icon
: File name too longyellow/Safari Dl’s/Leaman Resume.pdf.download/Icon
: File name too longyellow/Safari Dl’s/Leaman-1.pdf.download/Icon
[Jason-leamasns-Computer:~] jasonlea%

The filenames are fine, it’s the path that’s too long, or has special characters or something like that.

You have really deep directories there Jason. Just dragging it over doesn’t work?

no it does the same thing i need to get this to my little yellow drive so i can take it to my friends g5 and put it on a dvd-r…

I guess i could just take my ibook over and turn it on with the transfer mode and then connect it and copy the data over like that…