Comfort Dessert?..maybe if you are over 40 like me

My Granma and Aunties were Italian immigrants. Best banana cream pie ever. So Cathy had to feed me pie after pie until she outdid them. Buah hah hah.
Eventually told her that hers was the best, even better than Granmas. She hasn’t made another one in 8 months… :frowning:

Had one Auntie who’s English was so bad she called pumpkin pie “bum pie”  :-D

I love hiding veggies in dessert  :smiley:

This thread reminds me of a dessert story:
My littliest rugrat was 4 at the time and eating carrot cake, he was just scarfing it down with mmmmmmm sound effects.  After confirming that he was loving dessert I said “Hayden do you know this cake has vegetables in it?”  The little monkey drops his fork, pushes his plate away and declares “oh damnit”.  It was sooo funny I just couldnt help but laugh…I still laugh about it!!! 

So now I hide spinach/carrots/zucchini - whatevers in the fridge, in food without telling him  :smiley: