C'mon everyone liven up our Thursdays!

haha, he told ya, its Tony Briglio

when i said one of the town’s finest, what i meant was one of the skidmark ass hangin’ out thier pants armpit sweat stain sporting layabouts that usually keep the block tied down around chasers.  i don’t actually know what his name was. 

Hi Herbie:

Sorry to seem a bit naive, but what is the Zoo?

its where they keep the “animals”.  :smiley:

  Hah, I thought it referred to the Soup Kitchen and its’ clientele :unamused:

The Fort St. James Hotel pub got the name Zoo years ago. Round tables with red terry-towel stuffed animals (even the beaver is snarling), fully mapped carpet (see that stain? That’s where so and so bled when his ear got bit off in 71). Got new awnings and paint around '92 and not a nickel spent since.
Accounts for the 12-14 patrons on a Friday night.

I will be there this sunday - thurs so im sure things will liven up a bit.

Now that is getting real serious there Coby bear 5-6-whatever , the soup kitchen . I heard there was some fine dining that went down in there. Soup soup and more soup with old buns. But yeah I heard it is also a Zoo scene . Sorry just had to touch that one .

me too  :laughing: