CityWest bill screw-ups?

Did anyone else notice any weirdness with their CityWest bills for September?

We usually recieve 3 separate bills:  one for my mom’s phone and cable tv, one for my phone and internet, and one for my cell.  All of mine are usually addressed to me, and my mom’s to her.  On this bill, I have my bills owing nothing, and everything added onto my mom’s bill, so she saw the toal and freaked out. 

My cell bill is all of a sudden not charging me $25 for 100 daytime minutes and free evenings and weekends, but incurring an airtime charge for each call, some of which are strange numbers I know I didn’t call (like 1-800 numbers.)  There is nothing broken down as to how much I’m paying for my package, call display, call answer, or the monthly system fee, all it shows is my “air time charge” per call.

Anyone know what gives or have had similar problems?

Thanks for the heads up, smartass! :smiley:  I haven’t noticed anything awry with my statements yet, but, I’ll be watching more closely now.