City Council 2008 - 2011

Well I believe the first two are good starting points, the third will fall right in place if we as a community address the first two. Because right now our town is looking like Tijuana and if we do not do something real fast them tourist are going to say there ain’t shit here except empty stores and people laying in the door ways. They take pictures and show pictures word gets out and they stop. I have heard that Moreau is really considering a run for city hall and this comes from real good sources.

I agree 100% with the two last posts.  Rather than being re-active, we need to be actively pursuing the right people for the positions.  I believe that this Council has had 3 years, with Cathy Bedard, Herb Pond, Tony Briglio and Ken Cote having six years to prove their worth to the taxpayers - and have done nothing but blow smoke up our ass.  Frankly, all I have ever really wanted from this Council was a bit of truth about where we stand financially - not the sugar coating that we have heard for the past few years.  With so many industries that Prince Rupert relies on in jeopardy, we need to start working together on issues such as health care, drug and alcohol addiction, and improving Prince Rupert’s image.  Initiatives such as these take much thought, but all over very little money. 

Watching City Council meeting last night only confirmed it to me that we need change come November.  It was absolutely pathetic watching Herb, Tony and Cathy do a lot of back patting last night - but nothing else.  The meeting was totally redundant and most likely should have been canceled.  I guess what people are saying about Mr. Jay actually doing most of the work at City Hall and organizing and structuring the Agenda so that Council actually has business to deal with must be true.  Gord Howie comes across is absolutely useless. However, the Recreation Manager seems to be enjoying his new role in Doug Jay’s chair… 

He’s not the recreation manager, he’s the Directer of Recreation and Community Services–Recreation Manager is a different position.

Before belittling someone, at least yet your fucking facts right.

Forgive me for breathing your same air Mr. Big Shot… 

Geez considering they  have had problems getting a quorom together in the past, don’t give them anymore excuses than they have to dispense with the public part of governance… :unamused:

There is so much repair work to be done with this here community and I feel that much of it can start being addressed sooner then November. Herb has played with the citizens far too long. His pretty boy image has changed into a Gordo wanabe. The ribbons are now so few what is Herbie going to do? But Sea Feast is just around the corner so yeah why not, come on Hollywood us all another picture or two and something to think about.

I’m just saying, if you’re going to make unsupported insinuations, at least make sure you’re correct about the baseline facts of the matter.

What was the insinuation?

I see that some people are starting to put names forward to maybe with slim pikins oust the ma and pas who seem to control your little town. I enjoyed the day walking with my folk from US of A and trying to explain the shit going ons here they were kina entertained to say the least.

Such as?

Judging by Billy’s aquaintances I suspect, Jesse James, Doc Holliday, Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill…

Don’t reckon any of them there folk pay much mind in the area I travel in. But heard the Moreau name in the Ocean View other night.

OV now that used to be one real good bar, I remember some fairly well known union boys in there, Kuz for one Gibson another, Dan Miller. Some good times spent in there.

I would like to throw this out there for your comments.  I am not sure how many of you know when about the work that Paddy Greene did on Council a few years ago, but one thing that I recognized about him was that he had not only a great deal of knowledge about our community, but he had an abundant amount of integrity.  He not only knew his stuff, but he truly cared where we were going in the future.  Personally, I would like to see someone like him back on Council to keep everyone’s feet to the fire… 

Well I could and would like to see such a member of council like that, one who was not voting as the other five members, one who was there for the people who put him in his or her seat. One who never shied away from reality and spoke the truth. I believe that there is such a possible council member who is seriously looking to November and is checking out the word one the streets.

Well I am not a member of any union mind you I have been. But your view as to keeping union people out of council does not do justice to anyone who is will to bid for a seat in council but has the citizens in mind every time he or she takes their seat. Shit Pond is not any union boy and look at the mess he has made of this community with his pretty face value to it. I believe that the council needs some real good people who can and will work together for the people who got them in their seats, that will not lose sight of their purpose. They will have to be energetic to clean up the mess and get on track. But don’t blame just the unions, there are people who are not union and look at the mess which they are faced with under the Pond brain wash. We are paying for his next project and that is to get as close to Gordoe as he can get.

Sounds like you won’t be voting for Herb Pond or any of his followers, I guess.

They’ve raised property taxes over and over and over again.

They’ve raised service charges (how much is it to license a dog now?).

They’ve raised utility charges to the highest in BC.

They’ve raised small business taxes.

So stick to your principals, and don’t vote for anyone who has raised your taxes.

Does anyone realise, that not one of the current city council members, shop locally. And here they are telling us to. But they don’t themselves. With the exception of Hollywood Herb. That’s what I’ve been hearing anyhow.

I guess he just does not have the time to shop when he is out of town, too busy building our community.

Pond does, the rest of the crew doesn’t though, sad. Really sad.