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What do you like best about Zedd’s Homepage? … id=1514140

What is your favorite color? Pick the one you have always been leaning towards to the most if you doubt! … id=1497599

Have you ever bought a movie based on my review? … id=1499733

Have you ever avoided a movie because I gave it a bad review? … id=1499736

Have You Ever Rented A Movie based on my review? … id=1514259

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In terms of sheer sweetness, being able to renew my library books from home ranks somewhere alongside having a license plate that reads “D-SHIZNIT”.

But neither are anywhere near Penny-Arcade.

These replies make no sense?

You have to understand, Eso is in a poorly-ventilated room with lots of exhaust fumes.


Seriously though, Zedd, if you want a good horror flick to watch, go rent (or dl) “Evil Dead II.” They don’t get any better than that.

There was this one time, when I was 18, that I was a Power Ranger for halloween. It was elite.

I’ve seen Evil Dead II and you are 100 % correct. I will review it when I get my computer fixed next year as well as the the first and the third, which I also enjoyed very much.

The pink ranger? I bet you were the pink one. My favourite was always Tommy.

I Liked the guy who died I don’t know who but he went up in a rocket and went into a diff time line or something like that.

Pull my finger will ya?

Just join and vote. Or are you all afraid of others calling you names.

[quote=“Lord Zedd”]

I’ve seen Evil Dead II and you are 100 % correct. I will review it when I get my computer fixed next year as well as the the first and the third, which I also enjoyed very much.[/quote]

Oh boy, oh boy!

I can’t wait until we can start saying “Next year” and really be meaning “Next week” or “Tomorrow”! Hooray!

Was that sarcassm I heard? I am not sure but sounded a tiny bit scarcastic? Am I wrong, is my insult meter going off without just cause?

No, Charles_T is actually getting excited.

Now that was sarcassm!

Yeah, sarcassm. Thats it. Exactly right.

Tux, he only gets a sucker if he spells properly!