Carole James turfs NDP MLA from caucus

“Through his public comments today, Mr. Simpson has made it clear that he would rather criticize our work than contribute to it. He has made it clear that he does not want to be part of our team,”-- NDP Leader Carole James explaining her thoughts regarding the dismissal of an NDP MLA from the party caucus on Wednesday.

Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson will sit as an Independent and lose his affiliation with the NDP caucus in Victoria. That move comes after NDP Leader Carole James exiled him from the NDP after his less than complimentary comments regarding Ms. James talking points and performance at the recent UBCM gathering in Whistler.

Mr. Simpson’s departure comes after he authored a web article ruminating on the recent UBCM meetings, where he offered up a number of critiques of the main speakers at last week’s gathering.
(from the blog a town called podunk, click on the link below to see the entire item … aucus.html)

Ha-ha, you scooped me, by 4 minutes. :smile:

Pays to wake up early I guess eh, the early bird always gets the worm.

But then again, who wants to eat worms?

It appears that the minister of Aboriginal relations and reconciliation critic for the NDP is being put out to pasture, partly, for his view on the recent UBCM meeting. Maybe he, along with every media outlet that covered this meeting, was getting tired of hearing leaders talk without saying anything. It’s time for Carole to step back and make room for someone who will take a little more advantage of forums such as the UBCM. These meetings are high profile. ‘probably why she won’t go to bat for any specific policy change. It doesn’t seem that the party is quite ready for anything but criticizing. Carole James has made a mistake in releasing Mr. Simpson from HER party. I hope this display of silencing MLA’s won’t effect Gary Coons’ ability to speak his mind! Although, I think it already has. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of the next NDP caucus meeting. I bet you could hear a pin drop.

Carole James is fucking useless. She stands for nothing absolutely nothing until campbell has stated his position then she takes the exact opposite position. While that is coincidently usually the right path to take I think in order to be a leader you should have some fucking leadership skills not just do the opposite of the opposition.

In addition to her lack of leadership skills she seems to lack a thick skin… so what the fuck is she doing as the leader of one of the two major political parties or in politics at all for that matter? Talk about a childish immature response to some well deserved criticism.

Does gordon campbell fund her campaign? no seriously… shes the best thing he has going for him. Get it through your head Carole you will NEVER lead this province.

I’m betting she will be gone once she qualifies for her full pension.

[quote=“jesus”]Carole James is fucking useless. She stands for nothing absolutely nothing until campbell has stated his position then she takes the exact opposite position. While that is coincidently usually the right path to take I think in order to be a leader you should have some fucking leadership skills not just do the opposite of the opposition.

In addition to her lack of leadership skills she seems to lack a thick skin… so what the fuck is she doing as the leader of one of the two major political parties or in politics at all for that matter? Talk about a childish immature response to some well deserved criticism.

Does gordon campbell fund her campaign? no seriously… shes the best thing he has going for him. Get it through your head Carole you will NEVER lead this province.

I’m betting she will be gone once she qualifies for her full pension.[/quote]

Nail, meet head…
Well said, colourfull, but well said.

Carole James is far worse than useless, she’s everything she ever called Gordon Campbell and more. The entire NDP party is falling apart at the seams. It has totally lost touch with its ‘working person’ roots, and has evolved into nothing more than a militant feminist and gay rights group. A party that used to hate sexism, now excludes male candidates from even running in ridings. And, as Mr. Simpson so clearly demonstrates, the NDP now hates, and will not tolerate, dissenting opinion.

Carole James is little more than a dictatorial figurehead for the most politically organized group of socially dysfunctional freaks the world has seen since Hitler. It’s so sad, given the extreme distaste the public now has for the Liberals, that politically in British Columbia there is now not a single political party that the public feels good about. The NDP have force fed BC feminism and gay rights for decades. While women and gay rights are very important, so are piddly little things like jobs, investment, growth, etc. The NDP was spawned from a party for all, now it has been reduced to a seething pit of ball-busting vipers primarily concerned about special interest groups.

Carole, get the f–k off your soapbox and let a charimatic leader rule the roost for a change. The public wants much more than snide jabs, obnoxious smirks and canned comebacks. To the militant faction currently holding the NDP party hostage, enjoy the party while you can, because your days my little freakazoids are sooooo numbered!

If the NDP had any political sense left at all it would immediately can James and make Simpson the leader.

You just said the NDP needed a leader in the same breath as critising her for finally acting like one.
I want a team that can run a province, I don’t give a flying you-know-what for leaders. Had enough of that leader shit with Herr Harper and El Gordo.

No, I said the NDP need a leader, something they haven’t had in years. I never inferred that acting like a dictator has a bloody thing to do with ‘acting like one [a leader]’. I agree that leaders have been, and continue to be, problematic. If the NDP wants to seperate itself from the neo-nazi party lines of the liberals and conservatives, imitating them is a really, really bad start. That said, I’ve read a few of your posts herbie, and love ya! You are intelligence stripped of diplomacy, leaving the real deal. I like that!

Thx. I should have clarified that I meant “By acting like most people expect a ‘leader’ to act”.