
Pepsi has their new stuff out: Pepsi Advantage w 50% less sugar. It tastes ok.
My daughter is pissed because no one makes “Diet Cream Soda”…
she’d also be into Low-Fat Poutine if it came out…

50% less sugar still means there will be over 3 teaspoons of sugar in every can, and the new Pepsi will be a mixture of sugar and Splenda, which isn’t all that good for you anyways.

I’ll be glad when everyone realises how stupid this low-carb diet craze really is, and everything will go back to normal.

Speaking of modifying drinks, they should make NicaBeer… Every beer contains the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette! Mmmm, NicaBeer. I could imagine it possibly being a socially destructive creation.

nah dude the gamers drink

BeerCola! :open_mouth:

Killing two birds with one stone is a splendid idea!!

Sometimes I wonder why the government chose cigarettes and booze to be legal over marijauna. Obviously to make profit from it and could also have to do with trying to slim down the world’s population. Let’s pickle their minds with alcohol and kill em with cancer!! :unamused:

i make my coffee with 6 heaping TABLESPOONS of sugar a cup. i make my iced tea with about 5 heaping tablespoons a cup. i make my quik at least 5 heaping tablespoons a cup.

basically i guess you could say that beverages are just a medium for delivering sucrose and glucose into my system. i wonder if i’d be healthier if that wasnt the case ?

Stop the skinny boy bragging Alpine!

I hear you’re looking for new parts BT, someones a little jealous. :laughing:

sugar makes humans fat?

Very good beyondhealth.com/sugar-poor-choice.htm

This leads me to believe that Alpine’s sugar consumption is the root of his problem. :laughing:

ma mom said that stuff was not good for her, she asid now she had to drink TWO of them to get the taste and satisfaction ONE can of classic gave her. haha :unamused: :wink: :laughing:

I am going to refrain from commenting. Man it is hard to bite your tongue during moments like this, but I will be the better person and shut the *&^% up.


Ah, my parent’s always said coca-cola isn’t good for you, Soldier of Fortune 2 seems to prove it.