Booms don't always resonate with the young

Much has been made of late that if Prince Rupert can only hang on a few more years, then the boom times of port development will help to reverse that drain of youth out of our community.

As it is now and has been for a number of years now, once our youth have their Grade twelve diplomas in hand, for the most part they are off down the highway seeking out higher education or better employment opportunities in places afar, destined to return only for those occasional Homecoming and Grad reunions to come…

(from  the blog a town called podunk, click on the link below to see the entire article … 2252461158 )- 

Heh. Boom times of port development. I’m putting that on my wall right beside “Re-opening of the mill.”

Yeah it has become one of the most over-used words in the community,  usually trotted out whenever we need a boost in real estate sales or an election is coming around

Yeah it has become one of the most over-used words in the community,  usually trotted out whenever we need a boost in real estate sales or an election is coming around [/quote]

Please use the word “boom” lots then - I really want to sell my house!

LOL, judging by the plethora of for sale signs around town, you and everyone else :unamused:

I [sub]boom[/sub] don’t [sub]boom[/sub]want to [sub]boom[/sub] leave the [sub]boom[/sub] North - just [sub]boom[/sub] to sell [sub]boom[/sub]this house.