Bitcoin in the north

We have a Timmys that is quite busy.

we don’t. it was a pot calling kettle post…

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When this post was created Bitcoin was just breaking $5000 USD.

Pretty crazy. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been helping set up some people with Bitcoin, just as an introduction to crypto currency, etc.

I think I’ve sent people more than a few bitcoin in the last few years, just as a way to get them started, to see if their wallets were working, etc.

Kinda regretting giving away all that money ! lol!

Well hope all those who were negative on bitcoin shorted it :slight_smile:


This happens every Feb because of Chinese New Year. If you panic sell then you deserve to lose your money.

A few hours ago would have a been a good time to buy :slight_smile:

Nobody is selling right now. They all want +15%. All our brokers wells are dry . I don’t blame them that’s for sure.

Do you really think a magazine owned by the banks is going to say anything good about bitcoin? We dont want people that watch fox and cnn involved with this.

Heh. Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just reporting the facts. Here’s a scary fact from that dubious magazine.

Bitcoin dropped below US$8,000 Friday, a 60 per cent tumble from its peak of $19,511 on Dec. 18.

And if you bought it yesterday at $8000, you’d have made a 15% profit in just one day.

“This internet thing will never take off – people want to feel a newspaper in their hands.” – former boss of mine, who ran a now dead newspaper.


You are actually stating assumptions besides the fact bitcoin dipped. Are you missing the fact that bitcoin was $600 1 year ago. You are focussing on the negative.

Actually I’m reporting facts. A 60% drop in value is a fact. Bitcoin may in fact rebound shortly and anyone buying now may profit greatly. I don’t understand this currency enough to invest in bitcoin. It is certainly an intriguing concept.

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Wasn’t there a head of Citytel that made a similar comment about cell phones?


Bitcoin is nothing more than a ponzi scheme dressed up as a pyramid scheme. Don’t look behind the curtain.

Hey?How is this BitCoin working out ? I hope nobody bought while it was high.