Bigfoot sightings



lets get back to the topic MiG brought up, I’m guessing that the math is flawed and there is not 100,000 Sasquatches in north America, because we have not found any hair or DNA that would prove its existence that’s correct right MiG? and if you believe in the existence of a mythical creature such as Bigfoot, yeti or Sasquatch as an adult then you are some how broken as its not fun. But what is fun MiG is when the DNA of a suspected yeti came back to a 40 thousand year hybrid polar bear and brown bear that may have existed in the Himalayas. that fact was unknown until DNA testing started on unknown primates. cryptozoologists and scientists can work together.

holy bigfoot martian dung, from a bigfoot link to religion now that is a big leap LOL




Bullshit, have you seen the dalai lama hes one shifty motherfucker.[/quote]



That is perhaps going a bit too far in my opinion. To follow up on your argument I propose that an organized religion is just fine if it does no harm. People are free to pick and choose what aspects of their belief systems they wish to adhere to.

Name an organized religion that does no harm.[/quote]

People do harm, not religions. The individuals who do bad things will generally do them whether they are acting within the framework of a religion or not.

Nobody has ever found the missing link, yet many people still believe in evolution. Myself, I think Zachariah Sitchin’s translation of 6000 year old Sumerian texts are probably the origins of the Bible, Koran and Torah. Recent mapping of our DNA seems to support his theory also. ( Everything you know is wrong, Lloyd Pye on Utube)

Sorry, had to chime in a bit here. In response to everyone saying organized religion does no harm, people do…

[quote]“Religious people claim that it’s just the fundamentalists of each religion that cause problems. But there’s got to be something wrong with the religion itself if those who strictly adhere to its most fundamental principles are violent bigots and sexists.”
― David G. McAfee[/quote]

Believing does no harm, as long as it does not affect the choices and decisions of other people. But, often, beliefs make people biased. And organized religion makes it worse.