Have had several people tell me they have spotted a bear and cubs in the trailer park, on Comox Ave and on 9th by the Golf Course. I walk the dog four times a day and have started avoiding the darker forest areas. Because we have never experienced this before we have never taken our garbage in but he got our garbage out of the carport in a can last night, dragged it up to the back yard for his feast, rolled the can back down the street, took a dump in the neighbours yard and chased someone’s yappy dog, we live right on Comox. So now until this bear is caught and relocated we are bringing our garbage in but unless everyone in the area hears about this the bear/s will hang around. A friend witnessed someone chasing one of the cubs off his property yesterday. They are out and about during the day as well as night time. Hope they catch them soon and safely relocate them and not have to shoot them.
Wondering why the citizens were not told about the bear around the ferry/Anchor Inn last week? Perhaps it is the same bear, but who knows for sure. Guess not having the Daily News we are more in the dark about news in our community. [/quote]
Not as in the dark as you might think
The weekend past featured more reports of a prowling black bear in the city, with residents of the Summit Area facing the golf course, finding that their carports and garbage cans were of particular interest in the late night hours with most likely one bear accounting for the majority of the nights sightings.
The reports of bear sightings have been an off and on thing over the bulk of the summer,…