Ayjaye has 10,000 in a Nigerian bank account and needs your help

If i was in charge of city hall i would be holding the bc govt accountable for
what they did to us the last 15 years and there would be no more handshake
deals like dan miller did with us .everything black and white on paper.

If you were in control, a lot of people would be quaking in their boots.

did you not say the following AQ


Your a liar AQ.
PS. Hows your engine business going. Did you not say you were going to help their marketing, and would have a working engine by now?

Who is this AQ?he must be a cool guy Hines aircraft is doing great we just
sign a multi million dollar deal with kerchan global of India the deal is on our
website,I’m looking forward to bringing a plane to Rupert one day.

LOL! Let’s see if that ridiculous prototype will last and measure up against this:


Highly doubt your crap aircraft will ever get a type certificate.

PLA take another look at Hines aircraft we are making a 50 seater plane
our aircraft is better then the Lear jet of today so much so that warren buffet
wants be involved with the company to help his net jets company he owns.We
will be going on the market at a opening price of 25 dollares a share.

Sorry, I’m an AME apprentice. That thing will fall off the sky before a 20 year old Soviet-built airliner does.

LOL… V8 piston engine…

Aluminum in Kitimat.
Helium from natural gas.
Both in BC.

Airships? Heavy-lifters anyone?
Anyone be interested in an aircraft where the pilot’s wages exceed the operating cost?

Is the pilot wearing the 4 gold bars, or as my avionics instructor puts it: “The Superior Race”?

If I had a million dollar idea for a product that we could manufactor and ship, that no one around had thought of, who would you guys suggest I approach? The city? The Province? Rich investors? I have a killer idea but I don’t want to say it online as I would like to be part of it and I lack the resources to do it on my own, but I think it could be a huge idea for the community. Any suggestions?

talk to aque46 he has lots of millionaire friends  :smiley:

Lets stick to helping prince Rupert  find new ways of marketing to the thirsty
Asia market.My friend is building container homes which i think is a big idea i
like his plan and i think prince Rupert will be the staging place for it.I also see
us as being a ship building center to help build the super ships of tomorrow as we
have a work force that can build good quality fishing vessels,folks lets brain storm
that’s were Evey idea like eBay apple started.

Sweet Jesus you are on some powerful medicinals!

Rupert hasn’t had shipbuilding since the second world war,  British Columbia just let its last attempt at shipbuilding (remember the fast ferries?) die off, so where exactly is this renaissance of shipbuilding going to come from.  They build super tankers in Asia for probably less than we can ever compete with, nice dream, but if you’re going to “help” Rupert start getting a bit more realistic!

Lets stick to helping prince Rupert…[/quote]

Isn’t this your forth time pulling up that white flag?

found an Avatar for you ajaye… :wink:

Si, ones like Umberto Nobile

Think about it. Logging, tower erection with a Skycrane or an airship? We used a Skycrane over a decade ago, services donated to put up a public tower. “Only” cost $5000.00 for fuel…
Or your deliveries to Rupert. Truck hauls 2 containers 700 kms from PG @ 80 kmh. Airship with a couple Japanoid 2L diesels travels a straight line, 400 kms @ 120 kmh. Or better, right from Vancouver instead of PG first.
BC is where to do it.

<embed src="http://www.britepic.com/britepic

AJ…stop the brainstorm…like smurfetter said your medicinals are strong…you could market and sell those and make millions…

I’m looking at putting on a contest anyone can enter it will be for
the best idea for marketing or setting up a new business that will
help prince Rupert get back to were it was in the good old days this contest
will have a entry fee of 10 dollars and any ex ta that is made will go to the prince Rupert
fountion.If anyone has some thing to add let me know by posting it on this thread.lets
get something happening prince rupert we can do it.

A nuclear waste dump is very much needed by the Americans.