Auction scams

Dylan - I didn’t delete my messages. I moved them.

refresh refresh refresh

Is this board normally this slow with people in their respones?

Moved them where??
I don’t see them. Hm, I didn’t think regulars could move posts.

Heh, I am not even gunna touch this…

[quote=“Auction Bites”]refresh refresh refresh

Is this board normally this slow with people in their respones?[/quote]

Despite my previous post, I have to touch this…

No, I have a life consisting of other people and things and not just this forum, so I won’t sit here pressing F5 until someone replies.

To an advaned forum on

You “did think” or you “didn’t think”?

[quote]Auction Bites wrote:
Can you post a little faster? I’m getting bored refreshing the page to find no responses. [/quote]

I’m not even GOING to ask what you would PREFER to touch~!

Well, while we are on the topic of hotlinking, here’s one for you:

And your touch comeback, awful…

No, just leave, you’re a fucking retard.

Uh huh. Then I must apologize. I was recommended this board, as is why I’m here I guess. I didn’t realize it wasn’t a chat forum, but rather a drive-by post forum.

I’ll poof now. But if anyone is interested in a faster moving board, just send me a message and I’ll provide you with any sort of links which may interest you.

On closing, I meant no harm coming here. I guess the middleman who sent me, got me confused with someone else? shrug

I suppose, but why not to IM or IRC if you want instant replies?

Corupt file - You really are a senseless piece of shit. Someone should drop a house on YOU just like they did your fucking sister. lol

And thats your best shot? DUDE, you need help in the communication department. :laughing:

That must be why I never thought I had a sister. She must have been the one of the wicked witches on wizard of oz.

Since you raised this point, who might we have you confused with?

No thanks. I prefer in person. You can stick with your 13’ x 10’ box. :unamused:

Yeah, and your in p dot doing what?

Awesome. I have no sisters either. Good post. :smiley:


Since you raised this point, who might we have you confused with?[/quote]

Do we have the 5th Amendment here? :laughing:

Im in p dot multitasking. I’m on hold on my cell trying to get a date at a favourable cafe and I’m also on the landline with my brother.

I’m not sure what the hell happened here, Auction Bites, but if somebody recommended this forum to you as some eBay forum, then you were misled.

I think the occasional post about eBay would be great, or answering somebody’s eBay question would be fine.

But it seemed you were just talking to yourself, posting aBay commentary, and I don’t think anybody was actually following it.

This is (mainly) a Prince Rupert forum, though more than half the regulars aren’t in Rupert.

If your only purpose for being on the internet is to weed out the eBay scammers, then you’d be better off finding a forum dedicated to eBay. This isn’t it.

It’s pretty funny that you think that this board will be “shut down” for linking to an ebay photo as well.

Also, if you can’t take some criticism without deleting your posts and taking your ball and going home, then this place isn’t for you either.