Attawapiskat …

Thanks for sharing. I grew up visiting 2 reserves on a regular basis and saw this happening all the time.

There are some serious questions which must be addressed here , One is where is the money going ? The leaders must answer to their people as to what their take home pay ? How often and how many must take those business trips. The Governments must sit down and stop their bullshit . Its A-Ok for the Minister of defense to fly out of a fishing trip in a chopper . I think it all has some serious questions which Harper and his Henchmen must address . Make Stevie live in those conditions for a month .

I doubt that Harper spends 30 million plus annually on fishing trips. Ridiculous comparison.

Did you watch the video at all? In it you’ll fine a few answers to your ‘where is the money going,’ also.

Did I not say the Leaders must answer questions to their people , did I not mention the trips , the take home pay . Did I not say that the Government must sitdown and address this bullshit . Yes I would like to see Stevie have to live under those conditions . Yes some of his puppets or Henchmen waste lots of money as well .

Not sure that the majority of the blame can be tied to Harper on this one. Seems that there has been a fair amount of money forwarded to the band, yet their housing situation is atrocious somebody must be accountable you would think.

Will be interesting to find out exactly what has happened there and why, but for the moment, the most pressing issue is that the proper housing be provided for those living there, that should be job one, then get to the bottom of why these issues keep happening over and over again.

That’s just shifting blame. All Harper does is sign the checks, the federal government should not and cannot be in the business of micromanaging every band in Canada.

Yes, they were slow to respond and that’s not okay, but that doesn’t mean the Tories suddenly takes part of the blame for a problem they didn’t cause.

Interesting review of the Harper Government’s handling of the First Nations file, courtesy of the Vice President of the Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg. … ns-issues/

Doesn’t really paint the Prime Minister as the consort of “puppets” and “henchmen” as Justin Case would have us believe.

As Helgason points out the issue has pre-dated Harper going back to the days of Chretien, Martin and many before and yet no one seems to have solved things yet, be interesting to see how Harper and his party move forward from here.

No matter how much money is poured into the reserve system it disappears and the living conditions never improve. My vote would be to provide a government credit to each person living on a reserve for housing just like the hst/gst credits are done now and deduct that amount from the funding the bands get.

I’d much rather put the onus on the people living in the shitty conditions to take the money to improve their life than the band leadership eat up all of the $$ in business trips, expenses etc. If the people choose not to use their housing credit for housing then its their choice to live in those conditions and they deserve what they get just like the junkies on east hastings.

It should be pretty clear to anyone with half a brain that anytime you pass money through a level of government/management a good chunk disappears and eventually none of the money actually makes it to the people who need it. Just give it to the people and be done with it. In fact fuck it, dont give any money to bands divide the money up and give each native person a check for their portion each year and if they want to they can fund their band council… or keep the money themselves.

This whole throwing more and more money at these problems idea is way out of hand. More than enough money gets spent/year on natives than they need it just never makes it to the ones that need it.

first off Ezra was Harpers right hand man and is now just a right wing so called fair and balanced reporter,
that being said the conditions there are horrible lets fix it first then find out where the blame lays. after all DeBeers has given the band money for mining in their territority and with that and the money from the governments where has the money gone? those are also legitimate questions to ask and do an audit with a reputable accounting firm.

[quote=“jesus”]No matter how much money is poured into the reserve system it disappears and the living conditions never improve. My vote would be to provide a government credit to each person living on a reserve for housing just like the hst/gst credits are done now and deduct that amount from the funding the bands get.

I’d much rather put the onus on the people living in the shitty conditions to take the money to improve their life than the band leadership eat up all of the $$ in business trips, expenses etc. If the people choose not to use their housing credit for housing then its their choice to live in those conditions and they deserve what they get just like the junkies on east hastings.

It should be pretty clear to anyone with half a brain that anytime you pass money through a level of government/management a good chunk disappears and eventually none of the money actually makes it to the people who need it. Just give it to the people and be done with it. In fact fuck it, don’t give any money to bands divide the money up and give each native person a check for their portion each year and if they want to they can fund their band council… or keep the money themselves.

This whole throwing more and more money at these problems idea is way out of hand. More than enough money gets spent/year on natives than they need it just never makes it to the ones that need it.[/quote]

you nailed that one jesus… what their own people don’t even know is very disturbing

This link shows everyone what is taking place to all the moneys that get given or forced out of companys and government. Very interesting what realy takes place.

Makes perfect sense to me…

The truth about Attawapiskat. … R.facebook