Anna ashley?

I heard she moved out of town, and is gone from  the city  is that so?

I would have to assume that “If she moved out of town” then she must be “gone from the city”  also… :unamused:

who’s anna ashley if you dont mind me asking…

One of our City Council members…

ohhhhh ok. hehehe. I didnt know…

I believe that councillor Ashley ‘attended’ the last council meeting by phone, voting in favour of paid parking in one of the two City parking lots at Cow Bay, which passed 3-2 (the mayor and one other councillor were absent).

Although she ran on a ‘transparency’ platform she does not seem to have a problem with closed meetings, of which there are many. I also recall that she voted in favour of City employees and RCMP members having free passes to City recreation facilities, although she was previously opposed to that.

Councillor Garon seems to provide a more consistent alternative perspective on issues.


whats with the poll?

Hi everyone,

I’m not sure how my name equates with a poll about what mall is the best.  Perhaps people have heard I like shopping??  :smiley: However  it’s nice to see I haven’t been forgotten.

Let me begin by squashing any rumours that I have “leftâ€

aNNa well stated!

yea Anna  and this is why I voted for you. Enjoy your summer holiday

Is it really changing ones mind in order to make the right desicions or is it conforming, or abandoning ones original ideals in order to avoid conflict and keep ones nose clean?

Is it really changing ones mind in order to make the right desicions or is it conforming, or abandoning ones original ideals in order to avoid conflict and keep ones nose clean? [/quote]

Or is it a sign of the ability to adapt to changing conditions and new information?

Adapt or die.


First off, I did run on a platform of transparency, as did many others on council.  I remain committed to this despite “creaking door’sâ€[/quote]

Anna I am happy to hear that you have not left us with our ballot in our hands. I hope you enjoy your holiday but when you do take your seat once more please be Anna who I voted for and be vocal do not allow Jacko to power trip, it is you that I asked to represent me and we all have our seat because of who we are as individuals.

If listening thoughtfully to the recommendations of the public, or in the case of the Wellness Policy to an expert, is to be considered conforming and abondoning one’s ideals, why let the community contribute at all?

I always find it reassuring when I gear that a councillor has changed his or her opinion on a matter after having heard from members of the community and/or city staff… Doesn’t that show that they really are there to represent the community, rather than just their own agenda?

I totally agree, and truthfully I don’t know ms.Ashley or her politics, but in my opinion, she has come across as weak in her initial stance on the SD #52 and the COI issue.
I know this was a tough issue to try to get your feet wet, so to speak, but the first impression is always the most important.
All I am saying is that we expect our leaders to lead and be strong in their convictions, sometimes a person needs to make a stand and put themselves out there.

What opportunities are there for “the public” to make recommendations and “contribute”? The City does not operate as a participatory democracy. The public is not even permitted to attend half of the council meetings. We don’t know what is discussed at closed meetings before decisions are made. Do you?

Eccentric must, his mama sits there. Next question does she hear or listen to the public.

That would be illegal, and you making that suggestion is also irrelevant to my post. I was responding to Creaking Door’s suggestion that councillors shouldn’t change their mind, rather than his comment about closed door meetings and transparency.

That would be illegal, and you making that suggestion is also irrelevant to my post. I was responding to Creaking Door’s suggestion that councillors shouldn’t change their mind, rather than his comment about closed door meetings and transparency.[/quote]

Three dots for you my friend