About Rupertpics.com


I have an idea that I think could bring the owners of the photography some money or perhaps just for the site. I think you should have an option to purchase the photos in photograph quality.

Maybe have an option to buy them in the frames or just the glossy.

Just an idea, I think a lot of people would like to purchase 1 or 2 of them for their households or just to have a nice reminder of Prince Rupert.

I’m not sure how you would go about setting that up, but it might be something to consider.

you might want to read this for more info


You’re forgetting Dave, that people will pay for the convenience of having a finished product delivered to their doorstep.

Some photographers won’t send their photos in if they think we’re going to sell them.

Some of the submitters actually sell their prints professionally, too. That’s one reason I only have low-resolution shots on there. They’re only 600 pixels across, not really suitable for printing.

If you like one of the shots, get in touch with the photographer, I’m sure they’d be more than happy to sell/give you a high-res version.

You know ive been tempted to send in a pic or two from rupertpics.com too Wayne Cox of the weather network, show of some Prince Rupert and win some prizes.

Timbits, please change your avatar!

Eso, you are forgetting to read.

From the Creative Commons license it says: “Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.”

I was assuming that because the majority of the pictures on rupertpics are taken by a small circle of acquaintances, an agreement of that nature could easily be reached.

Well it wouldn’t be someone selling the photographs and getting the money. It would be the original photographers getting the money.

I don’t know, but I seen a few pictures on the site that I would be interested in buying. Maybe you just need an extra sub site with say a list of emails of the photographers.

I’d like to see rupertdrinkingpics.com

That’s already made here… it’s just disguised as certain people’s photo albums.