World Series 2016

Okay for some non serious topics… but who watched tonight’s game and thought it was one of the best game 7’s ?

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Non serious?? Sports is always serious.

In the tradition of HTML dumb bets I have bet someone that two Canadian teams will play against each other in the Stanley Cup final before 2028.

The odds of two Canadian teams making the final are about one in 18 (3/15 x 4/15) so the random odds are a bit against me. But it’s already been 27 years since Calgary beat Montreal and most Canadian teams have a good core of younguns so I figure I have it made.

On a more ridiculous topic. Paddy power had Clinton at 2/5 and Trump at 2/1. 90% of last minute voting has been on Trump.

And if you want a long shot. Stein, Johnston and McMullen are all at 500/1. If you want to gamble on one of them McMullen actually has a shot should he win Utah and neither Trump nor Clinton get 270 electoral college votes. The house votes on the three candidates. One vote per state. If it remains deadlocked at 25 to 24 to 1, some states might switch to McMullen as the consensus. Highly unlikely for sure but possible. For Stein or Johnson to figure in they would have to win a state and they aren’t remotely close. McMullen is polling fairly well in utah.

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