Why buy HTMF

Im not :stuck_out_tongue: Never will be at this rate…!


I never thought It’d have to come to this MiG. sniff sniff

:cry: I told myself I wasn’t going to do this… :cry: :cry:

Jebus people… He’s still here… All he did was move the server, and the pain in the ass people who feel the need to complain about him, now have to complain to someone else.

The site is fine, I’m sure Feliks is just as awesome as MiG, I mean, he’s MiG’s friend isn’t he? Can’t be that bad…

MiG Why don’t you want my flowers???

Besides, AFAIK, the moderators will still be the same anyway–they’ll set and maintain the policy.  The only difference will be that the site will be hosted on another person’s computer, who will, in turn, collect the ad revenue.  Why is this so hard for people to wrap their heads around?

Well-said, Stardog Champion.  HTMF is alive and well, people.  :smile:

I don’t see the problems people are having with this change either  :unamused:  We are obviously still carrying on business as usual without any issues.  MiG sold the site, he has a life, a beautiful family and I am sure wishes to move on with other endeavours and de-stress his life somewhat from the negativity caused by some of the responsibilties of owning this site.  I will repeat what Stardog Champion posted, “Why is this so hard for people to get their head around?”  :unamused:

I would love to read a little write up on some of the phone calls Mig has recieved,  Maybe a top 10,  or best of this decade,  I am sure some were pretty funny.  Heck,  just look how people are dealing with the move to a different server.

I have been out of town for a while and now I hear that HTMF has been sold…
Lets hear the real deal and what has become of our local site!

Although I have had unpleasurable dealings with MIG and his hitmen…I would still like to know the real deal.

I have heard its an American owner now…what did MIG sell us for?

Well thankfully you had remained off the boards during the delicate negotiations, otherwise Poor Mig would have had a terribly devalued carcass to offer up to our new digitial overlord. :imp:

what does it matter its been sold . the sites still up you can still post . happy holidays!!! :smiley:

AWWWW… for the love of HTMF!!!  this treasured local site has now being put into the hands of a “foreign” owner! 
Where has our autonomy gone? 
There should of being offers put out to locals to purchase this site.

I know I know…you still have the likes of the PODUNK saying no problem were still the same due to the fact that that his site relies solely on HTMF for his existence…

This is the sell out of a Prince Rupert landmark…

The overlord can kiss my soriasis covered ass!

LOl, eloquent as ever mcsash! :smiley:

LOL, uh no, anyways I thought that my site existed only because of the Daily News, seem to remember hearing that around here once upon a time.

An keeping with the theme of actually recounting things accurately, I never said “no problem”, in fact I offered no opinion one way or the other as to who “owns” the site, until we’re told to stop clicking on the post button, it really doesn’t matter where the server is hosted, the topics are all local for the most part

Seriously PODUNK…you have alot of pull and I respect your “blog”.  
In fact its the best thing to happen to Rupert for many years.  Its the go to news place for me.

BUT why do we have to have our lil piece of PR yanked from beneath us and handed over to a North Carolinine.  

It makes me sad as a Rupertite to have this happening to us.  I just think it should of been auctioned off the the highest bidder with conditions.

I think MIG and his “colleague” should start something anew.  You guys know you can do it provided there is no “contractual” stipulations hampering the movement of another locally owned an operated site in PR.

HTMF is what legends are made of.
We have all heard of craigslist and kijiij …HTMF is right up there and could of had the same success…

Good luck gentle mens…

Sounds like a tobbacco lobbyist…
Give me a break podunk…its a sell out and you just want to keep your fingers in the “pie”…
This is a sad day…

Fellow HTMF’ ers please see the situation as a take over by a “foreign” investor. Like the likes of Veniez and Petty…

Oh for cryin’ out loud, relax. We haven’t sold off the water rights to the Americans here.

If nothing else, it keeps at bay those that were complaining about the illumination of local affairs was something best kept away from the local yokels. Not to mention removes the need to phone our former site holder at ungodly hours of the day to complain, now if they really have an issue they’ll have to pay a long distance charge to vent and or threaten.

Think of it as the ultimate in firewalls between your thoughts and the delete button.


I have had big battles on this site…

NOT ONCE have I invaded the privacy and home live of the owner nor moderators.

So PODUNK …you support the sell out?

I really don’t care where the site is hosted, just as long as it exists.

If you consider it a sell out so be it.

I don’t quite see it that way, it’s not a publicly owned site, it’s not listed on a stock exchange, nor do any of us have an investment in it, other than an emotional one I guess. It from what I can divine, was a guy’s hobby that became a pain in the ass because too many people wanted to shoot the messenger, as opposed to trying to understand the issues involved and maybe look at themselves as being the cause of many of them.

Until we hear otherwise from the big bad unknown guy afar, we can still raise topics, inane ones even like selling out chat boards for instance, without fear of it being taken off the boards, so I’m not sure why you’ve decided this is going to be your rubicon for free speech. 

What I do support is the right of anyone to partake in a hobby without having to fear  harrassment from people that don’t read before they think.

If this move solves that problem while keeping the free flow of information and opinion alive, then what’s to worry about where the big bad computer is. 

My oh my mcsash, do you ever feel so victimized.  :laughing:

Please explain to me how the patriot act  and dmca now apply.
