Which candidates for city council?

You “know of” lots of things Council Watch. You “knew of” a councilor who had not idea that Ms. Hesse was hired by the City, but that turned out to be false. You know of “violent crimes” but talk about a DUI. You “know of” LOTS of things that you post NO support for and base arguments around those things. You’ll forgive me, then, if I don’t take your word on this one without some documents.

Part of my decision will be based on how the candidate children treat others around them.  One for sure is off my list…

So if they have no children does that make it more likely that you’ll vote for them?

Listen Eccrentric, I don`t fabricate the truth, nor do I lie.  I never post anything on this site unless it is the truth and I have investigated it for myself.  First, yes I told first hand by two Councillors that they had no idea that Ms. Hesse was still working under contract for the city.  They were aware of her presence at City Hall only when they were headhunting for a CAO.  So I guess I can wrap that one up to a little white lie.  Second, I know the first guy on a personal basis that Mr. Briglio assaulted.  He went through a great deal of pain when he was sucker punched, and had to have corrective surgery.  Third, I was at the beer gardens the night that they dragged Mr. Briglio out fighting, kicking and swearing at the police officers. Finally, my friend dated Tony when he lost his license for drunk driving. 

I don`t know about any of you other listeners out there, but Mr. Briglio is not someone I want representing my interests…

You “know of” lots of things Council Watch. You “knew of” a councilor who had not idea that Ms. Hesse was hired by the City, but that turned out to be false.[/quote]

My dad says he “knows” that your mom is currently on Council.  He also says that he “knows” she’s running again.

Is this true, eccentric? Is your mom on Council?

Eccrentrics mom is Sheila Gordon-Payne, and if you were to read some of Eccrentrics previous posts, it is my opinion that he knows far more than he should!!!

Lol, such as? Yet another post making claims with no evidence.

Just wondering why the poll closes after the election?

'cause I couldn’t calculate the number of hours properly :wink:  I’ll close it on the day of the election.

But no denial?

I hope you don’t have to endure bullshit speeches about ‘pulling together’ and how ‘we’ve survived tough times before’ and how many children they’ve raised and how much they love the town.
And not one single reason why you should vote for them.
Hey - I’m so-and-so! Vote for me cuz I’m socially acceptable. We need the political job for status. You don’t wanna see a So-and-So painting the fence with those unemployed scum from the mill do you?
Or a Mr Tacky who announced to a dying town his big concern was the number of obese people, and just happens to own the gym.

Hope you have a classier slate of candidates.

I know as much as anyone else–as I’ve said before my Mom is principled and she doesn’t gossip. The things she tells me merely echo what I hear her say at Council.

I phrased my post as a question because I’m eager to see the posts that Council Watch pulls up, if any.

Nope, it will just be an additional factor in my decision.  If a candidates child is rude, abusive, arrogant, and treats others with disdain, why would I think the parents who brought them up, is any different?  I don’t…

I guess I won’t get your vote then, John. My daughter is soooooo 13  :imp:

Interesting!!  I always thought that you were closer to the situation than you were letting on.

Will post this in this thread (seems pertinent) as well as The Northern View section of the site. It’s a bit of a lengthy read, but it had to be fair to all 15 candidates present.

A small but attentive crowd came out to the Lester Centre on November 5 to witness the candidates in the upcoming municipal election participate in the first of two all-candidates forums, this one hosted by the Friendship House.

The candidates responded to one of 29 questions randomly by a panel and one question asked by the panel posed by the audience.

bclocalnews.com/bc_north/the … 66534.html

I’m changing my vote. Briglio is out and Rolston is in.  I might sub Thorkelson in there somewhere yet too so you six better not piss me off. :smile:

72 votes this far.  A very small percentage of eligible voters. Do you think that this is a realistic look at how the community will vote?  It doesnt surprise me that HTMF posters will vote for Anna Ashley.  What about the rest of the population.  Any thoughts?

I don’t think it’s representative of the population, not even as one of those ‘19 times out of 20’ polls. 

It’s representative of people who have computers, know about HTMF, and have the inclination to answer the poll.

So not scientific at all.  But it will be interesting to see how close or how far off it is.

So there I am, trying on my size 34  er I mean size 32 jeans,  when I feel some one watching me.  I peer fearfully over my shoulder and there he is,  Gabe Mclean staring at me…  Just a little unnerving…

Who puts thier posters in a store change room,  Just creepy Gabe, creepy.

But I got 50% off my jeans,  woohoo!!!