Where is this?#9

Well!! The same rules and lets have some fun!!! Lets find the cross.

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Is this a railway station?

No,19 left

Do most cars in the picture have EU ( European Union) lisence plates?

No,18 left ( new view at 15 but don’t waste the questions…lol)

Does the building belong to an evangelical religion?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelicalism  for the definition

Yes,17 left

Did soldiers from this state wear gray uniforms during the US Civil War?

It sure looks like a fairly modern cathedral from the top view. 

Is this place linked to a regular TV show?

No 16 left

No 15 left  Not that I know of it over 400 years old though!!!

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Basilica of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s, NF

That “new view (Newfie) at question 15” hint did it for me.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_o … he_Baptist

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Holy your Good…home town had to

The closest I’ve ever been to NF is Nova Scotia.
I was looking around New Brunswick and the roofs looked similar and then with that ‘new view’ hint…that was it!

The priests I knew at The Basilica would take exception with being called Evangelical Christians :smile:

Anyway, I went to elementary school across the street from there.

I was baptized at that church! 

Well, the next one I post will not be in Canada…lol… lesson learned