Where is this? #8

Significant historical event happened around here. I’m not sure if it is the exact place on the dot but it must be close. The second picture is a structure that played a part in this event.
If you find the event, you will find the place.

Do they speak English here?

Is the event a battle or armed conflict?

And finally, is this city the capital of a nation (with a current seat in the UN)?

[quote=“MiG”]Do they speak English here?

Is the event a battle or armed conflict?

And finally, is this city the capital of a nation (with a current seat in the UN)?[/quote]

No. But next time be more precise with your question. English is spoken in many places in the world without being the main language.




Does this country share its currency amoung 12 nations?


Going to bed now. Keep asking.

Are the seasons opposite of Canada?

Halic Bridge, Istanbul.

Which reminds me Istanbul used to be Constantinople :wink:

Is the Fall of Constantinople the battle you’re thinking of?

[quote=“MiG”]Halic Bridge, Istanbul.

Which reminds me Istanbul used to be Constantinople :wink:

Is the Fall of Constantinople the battle you’re thinking of?[/quote]

You got it. 1453. I read that the city was taken because of an unlocked gate somewhat connected to those walls.

I thought it would take a little more time to find out.