Where is this? #24

Menwith Hill RAF Military installations. Yorkshire Dales, UK


Edit: Obligatory wikipedia link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menwith_Hill


Is this place located in a place where you might buy a vegimite sandwich?

Damn you bigthumb… you shouldnt be allowed to guess these. I swear you cheat or something.

Heh, when I first posted it, somebody asked about the domes and I linked to the wikipedia article on radomes. There’s a very prominent link on that article to the Menwith Hill base. So I edited.

Also, Stanley19, George W. Bush was born in New England. The Bush family is a true Yankee family, but they really sell themselves as being good ole Southern boys. Part of the image thing.

Oh, and the Safety Dance thing? Men without hats.