Whats up?

LOL Justin Case, how long have you lived in prince rupert?

There’s always been this many drinking establishments.

I would guess Justin has been around since at least…1983-84.

We actually have less drinkin places now…Surf is gone and so is the Empress

Keep in mind that half of council meetings in Prince Rupert are closed to the public. Every two weeks they have a closed meeting at 5 pm and an open meeting at 7 pm. Most city councils do not operate in that manner, and closed meetings were infrequent during Peter Lester’s time, but this mayor and council prefers a less transparent style of governance. I notice that even those who ran on a platform of changing things have fallen into line … very disappointing.

You aptly describe the way the council comes across - bored, uncreative, unresponsive - although I would add that if they seem tired it is probably because by the time the public meeting starts they have been meeting behind closed doors for two hours.

I agree that the drinking est. have not really grown much if any but the beer and wine stores have. It is not just that but it is so available, if the kid turns 18 or 19 he or she will gladly run for the younger ones. My fear is yes the drugs and the risks envolved. I have seen so called workers who at one time were caring about the youth they try to serve and then they get very greedy and start taking from the top and it just gets worse while they get fat. Ripping the people’s money off.  I have been here since 80’s yes.

You forgot the Highliner Bar and if Solly’s isn’t closed it soon will be.

I heard the casino was buying Sollys’ or is that just another Prince Rumour?

the building and property are for sale,not being sold as a pub

chances just bought the liquor license and are opening up the a cold beer and wine at the old holly wood video building with it

Yeah why not make it all accessable to every one. Are there really no one in town that can say something intelligent like " Enough of that shit ". We must admit for a town this size, we have enough watering holes and enough addiction.

[quote=“Justin Case”]
Yeah why not make it all accessable to every one.[/quote]

  Yeah, but Justin, just think of all the clientele weaving their way over from Raffles…Truly a great business decision… :imp: Kind of worried about the traffic situation at that intersection though…Yikes !!  Seriously though, it would have been nice had city council asked for the opinions of the residents of that area.  I know a couple of people in the apartments beside that building who are not looking forward to it at all but then they built the one down from me on 11th. at Maverick and I have never seen the place so busy…Not too many happy campers down here either but what the hell, the almighty buck rules…It used to be that it was great to have a corner store in each area of town, easily accessible and convenient for people, who would have thought it would come to a booze store instead…Another great job, council or whatever you call yourselves these days…

its supply and demand…the demand for alcohol is here, so why not open open another beer and wine??  if you dont like - dont shop there, they wont stay open if they dont make any money - decrease the demand. 
I do agree that we have more than enough beer and wine stores here…its actaully pretty ridiculous how many establishments are in rupert - but that’s not city council’s fault.  Its our own fault for keeping them in business  :stuck_out_tongue: At least its providing  some employment opportunities!! :smile:

and I should add, a lot of hangovers.  :stuck_out_tongue:

which business license applications has council denied??