The goatse thread... not safe to view

I’m selling goatse guy memorabilia and would like to advertise. Free.

What do the people of the Northwest want?. I have asked this in the Watson island thread, and I ask it here. Because unfortunately, or more so fortunately we sit on a ton of resources. Industry, shipping,storage,production are what drives economies. Do northwesterners want it?. Or are we content with cruise ships and seasonal vehicle traffic,charters?.
Shipping, Storage, and bulk transfers have come along way since Valdez. If we do not want these things coming here, or being planned for here we should just put up a closed for business sign.

I’m sure the local radio stations are already advertising this.


Wait this isn’t the word association thread!  But that was too funny.

And once again to prove how sheltered a life I live, I had to google goatse guy and Wikipedia told me far more than I ever really needed to know.

Hahaha, even more hilarious!

Warning to everyone else:  IF you don’t know about this, you don’t need to know.  It will not add anything positive to your life.  It will disgust you.

  Trust me!

Well then can I advertise my tubgirl memorabilia?

It’s a somewhat positive experience. It prepares you for the likes of tubgirl.

Wow!  Whoever said HTMF is not educational doesn’t know what they are talking about.  I have learned so much today.

I’m just going to pretend I know what you’re all talking about. I’ve had enough disgusting experiences on the internet thank you very much.

The internet can be a very horrible place sometimes…

Just for the record, I did not see any pictures.  Just read about them on Wikipedia.  Disturbing enough.

Just read the articles did ya?  :wink: :wink: :sunglasses:

Same with his penthouse. All the picture pages were glued together so he wouldnt have to see that filth…  :neutral_face:

Oh,  like rusty trombone.  :imp:

Has anyone seen the pain olympics?