Terrorist is Canada?

so all are the same? all people do this or just a select few with mental health issues?

If one believes the government is poisoning you with chemtrails, and is run by lizard aliens, then isn’t it the logical next step to take action?

It’s not murder if you’re killing lizard aliens, is it?

No different than if you believe a religion obliges you to either convert or kill non-believers.

[quote=“MiG”]If one believes the government is poisoning you with chemtrails, and is run by lizard aliens, then isn’t it the logical next step to take action?

It’s not murder if you’re killing lizard aliens, is it?

No different than if you believe a religion obliges you to either convert or kill non-believers.[/quote]

You can’t be serious…A religion that mandates that it’s members kill non-believers is in no way the same as someone killing imagined lizards.

Miguel you may be absolutely right that Bourque was a conspiracy theorist, or he was pissed off jihadist conspiracy theorist and not a radical Muslim that was put on a no fly list and couldn’t get to Syria through Turkey to die killing infidels.
And you’re also right that if you believe in chemtrails and fluoride poisoning you’re a nut job . But you forgot about those who don’t believe in global warming maybe they should be put into re-education camps, as some have said like MSNBC host Ed Schultz, or maybe even death like Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, who called for “deniers” to be strangled in their beds or Grist magazine writer David Roberts calling for Nuremberg trials for "deniers” even NASA’s James Hansen has called for similar trials.

Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot killed millions of their own oppressed people , because free thinkers and those who question authority from government or the status quo are a threat much like conspiracy theorist and radical religious views and all need to be dealt with swiftly.

I however have to differ with you Timothy McVeigh was definitely a domestic terrorist but Jared Lee Loughner was a paranoid schizophrenic who was not on medications and abusing street drugs he however was a conspiracy nut-job or as you eloquently said “conspiritards” who most likely listened to Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or maybe he listened to all 3 at the same time.

I think your logical conclusion you were getting at was that all conspiracy theorist and all that hold extreme religious views should be lump all under one category, so we can eliminate any opposition in our free society. Because everyone who questions government or the status quo will rise up and fight the government and are threat to society.

I don’t think we’re disagreeing, Astro.

If you believe some of that crazy conspiracy stuff, it’s not too much of a stretch to taking up arms, is it?

Just like if you really believe your religion says to kill non-believers, then it’s not too much of a stretch to taking up arms, is it?

Of course, neither is reality.

Timothy McVeigh believed the government was attempting to control him through injected microchips, BTW. And he believed the UN was invading the USA, etc. Certainly took his belief in conspiracy theories to what he thought were the logical conclusions.

I think it is obvious to state that extremist views and or conspiracy theories coupled with murderous violence are possible indicators of mental illness. As a society we need to do a better job of supporting and treating people who are at risk. The consequences of leaving sick people to cope untreated are tragic.