Teachers are overpaid hacks

Wait… People are taking this seriously?

You sir, troll like a god.

Absolutely classic, jesus.  Masterful set-up and delivery.  :smiley:  Agreed, Sir Ryan of Last.  This thread takes trolling to a new level.

(sigh) Baker, Baker, Baker… sheesh some people get to run with the bulls, me I end up having to swim with the minnow … :unamused:

So in what context do we (HTMF) consider this a Troll, that people got actively involved with a legitimate subject that obviously has truth to it. Then turn around and yell “Uncle” when the heat gets turned up, I say its a lame troll. Longshoremen rightly so, deserve this distinction, we get paid ridiculous amounts of money. I myself have a degree, but my profession can’t match the obscenity of the pay scale. So needless to say I won’t be returning to my old job anytime soon, unless the Container Port or Shipping Industry goes Kaput.

Either that or the mindless ramblings of a bipolar multiple personality disorder.

I see certain people doing jobs or trying to do work around town and do not recieve any form of montary rewards. So the bottom line is nothing is really changing the world is made up of many Mini Madoffs and they bluff their way through life. I noticed this in my hometown years ago and even till I came to what I thought this was a good place to try and settle in a few months back. I see it here and I hear from First Nations people that it is happening in their villages. The saying used to be Its not who you know but who you @$^%&* now It seems to be what your family name is.

… or what name you stole.  :imp:

at this point one could say then, that they are only modeling themselves after those that were elected to run the show. Just need to decide who is better at not knowing shit.

i say we longshoreman are underpaid . i have mouths to feed need more money :imp:

I said it before I will say it again, you have to respect anyone who puts there life on the line to put food on the table  :unamused:

Speaking as a Parent who actively engages my child and is proactive with the school and school board I have to say alot of blame can be put on the school system, and yes the teachers.  I have a child who is not the average child and requires a challenging environment.  After two years I have resigned myself to outsourcing the job of challenging my child,  I always do so at home.  However I find that 2 out of the three teacher we have had here over 3 years are only to happy to tow the line and do the base amount of work.  If a child is harder work than they fall by the way side.
Short version of our story, 
1 year,  issues, low performance on the childs part, little control in the class room, no challenge in the class room. Satisfactory grades.

2nd year,  no issues, The line not to cross was drawn in the sand by the teacher, and our child was challenged, above average grades.

3rd year, Issues, classroom of chaos as the students did not respect the teacher because they had no control, Satifactory grades.

Our child is as respectfull as any child his age, the only change was the teacher.  Not once in the second year were we asked what we think they should do. The teacher already knew what to do.

Constant consoltation with the school only brought resistance.  In the first year an IQ test was given to the school, as well as recomendations from the issuing body as to what worked for the child.  None of this was listened to.  It was only at the end of last school year that the school insisted they issue thier own IQ test.  The IQ test showed higher results and they brought to the table the same recomendations presented 3 years prior.  None of which has been put in place.

There are some great teachers out there, but some very poor ones,  who have become jaded and for some reason have lost what I thought would be the reason to become a teacher in the first place.

It is sad and the children are suffering because of it.

Sickest thing is the number of parents I encounter who argue it’s stupid to insist their kids go to school when they’re just gonna work in the mill anyway.

They’re mad because we lobbied the main ones and no new hires without Gr 12 or  GED even if Daddy’s an owner. Period. Summer jobs only if you’re re-enrolled.
Stupid because there were NO MILLS for over a year and they’re dreaming if they think there’s a future slinging lumber.

Yeah, well, don’t get run over.

LOL, clearly you’re in weekend mode as that’s all rather pedestrian don’t you think, I’d offer up a witty rejoinder, but perhaps, as per policy, I’ll wait two days to post my reply… :imp:

Is Bill hiring right now for those of us unlucky to not be longshoremen??? haha