Support anti-bullying

So we teach our children that they can pick and choose what sort of bullying is ok?? Yes ginger kicking is the flavor of the moment,  Is this our world?,  we have to start a facebook group to assault ( insert group ) to get our kids to stand up and be counted. But if they see it on the school grounds or on the street and it is just one kid it is ok to ignore it.

Certainly not.  As caring, compassionate adults we continue to push back and fight bullying in the variety of manifestations that we encounter.

What makes me angry isn’t the fact that bullying exists - we can dream but bullying will continue to happen - but that fact that some kid puts a group on Facebook and suddenly it’s “cool” to beat up “gingers”, and sometimes enough to put them into a hospital.

I’m not even going to blame South Park or Facebook.


Well, apparently they are soulless and inherently evil, so…
