
Jack Nicholson from Easy Rider

The Shawshank Redemption

“American Beauty”

Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.


"You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God… and where can you go from there? "

The Devil’s Advocate

“It’s raining hen”

“You know, Scotland has its own martial arts. Yeah, it’s called Fuck You. It’s mostly just head butting and then kicking people when they’re on the ground.”

Wild/Lame guess, but is it Chicken Run?


We moved away from the original game.  We should give a spoiler and try to guess the movie instead of just making quotes. 

Here’s a spoiler:

His alledge teenage daughter was a better con artist than he was.

Matchstick Men.

Annswer:  So I married an Axe Murderer.

Spoiler:  “Steve ate Vern!”

Over the Hedge

"I thought you killed yourself. That wasn’t you? "

I think that’s Garden State.

How about: “Can you count, suckers? I say, the future is ours if you can count!”

Answer:  “The Warriors”.  Come out to play-eeeyay.

Spoiler:  “First thing we do when we get to Detroit is find Glen and we find a window to throw him out of.”

Out of Sight

And that’s not a spoiler but a quote.

This is a spoiler:

Lincoln finds out that the paradise where everyone wants to go live doesn’t exist. It’s basically the the upper level of a human cloning facility where organs are harvested for the rich and famous.  Lincoln and Jordan will fight and then free the clones.

The Island.

The heroes discover that the assassination plot was actually planned by the intended victim himself, and planned to be foiled at the very last moment, in an attempt to make him into a near-martyr, thus giving him even more power as a dictator.

“There’s a maniac loose in the city!”

“What a coincidence - there’s one out here too!”

Here’s a movie quote for you: “Put the bunny back in the box!”

What movie is it from?