Smashed windows/Break In's

He also longed greatly for female companionship.

And Tootz was already spoken for :smiling_imp:

But hoshq would have had her on the table if he could!

Man, this is WAAAAY more information than I was looking for. But thanks anyway.

If there’s one thing you can bank on with HTMF, it’s overkill!

You had to be there.

Hey jason… Is that the juggler dude you saw in Vancouver???

Nopers mang. Different guy entirely.

Come on guys, now your posting on his blog?

"You’re pretty adept at letting everybody know you’re an idiot. " sounds like something MiG would say…

A lot of the younger people (18ish to early 20’s) we get in our cells at the courthouse are telling me that they are involved in the heavy stuff. Five years ago it was mostly the older people. (Early to mid 30’s)

i’ve said it once i’ll say it LOUDER. DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE WHO WEARS A BADGE.

I don’t wear a badge. I keep it in a wallet.


[quote=“philmc”]Come on guys, now your posting on his blog?

"You’re pretty adept at letting everybody know you’re an idiot. " sounds like something MiG would say…[/quote]

The person that posted that is also from the Yukon.