
I just watched Sicko and again Michael Moore made me feel so gratful I live in canada, But I tell ya, I’m thinking that France or Cuba will be were I retire…lol…

Cuba yes, France hell no

why not france ?? dude id be stoked to live in france, dope climbing, hot girls, beaches, mtns, crazy countryside, mad history, good food… ?

sicko is BANGIN…it was funny today at work i brought it up and you could tell who the reactionary dipshits were in the crowd.  its funny, you either GET IT or you really dont…

I started watching it the other day, the first part is such a downer, that I skipped ahead.  The rest of the movie is good good.

super perfundo on the early eve of your day

What I don’t get about some poster here about there reaction about paying taxes into a system that lets those who may not want to work, have a health card and get free health care, remember folks one day, you too could be out of work or have a health problem that will lead you to have to go on some sort of social assisted income. Be thankfull you have a healthcare system that looks after us all…

France also has free schooling, free daycare, and your probable thinking high taxes but they dont. so ya… France is still cool. your just an american sympathizer, who is brainwashed to think me before we.   

Interesting news piece about how drug companies are providing continuing education for doctors.

I dont think rollins is an american sympathizer, I think hes just a bit more concious and bitter about where some of his taxes go.  Well dude, we all are in a way bitter about our taxes going to places where we arent “benefitting” from them.

And so what about people who dont work and live off the government teat - its shitty to see but are you really jealous of their lifestyle?? I work 40 hours a week and in my spare time I fuckin shred the gnar, do what I want with my disposable income and kick it wild style, foreal.  People living on government milk aint keeping with this joneses, plus I dont have that guilt that I had when I was on EI for a couple weeks last summer when my work shut down…

maybe you’re just bitter because the people living on the government teat sippin extra old stock, watching reality tv and pumpin out kids are doing the same things as you, just you’re watching a bigger tv, sipping extra extra old stock and not pumpin out kids because you’re saving for an even bigger tv ?  there are always going to be people dragging us down as a society and for better or worse, we dont chuck 'em overboard. 

I danno man.  I’m pretty stoked on my country (for the most part).  Sicko made me realize just how DOPE our medical system is - it makes me want to read more from different perspectives about the changes people want to make in it, introducing user pay clinics for the people who can afford it and jump government wait lists, etc.  How could that negatively (or positively) affect our current system and how it works for you me, and us ?

true that.  i’m not an american lover.  in fact, i don’t recall ever saying in any of my posts about liking the US, or wanting to live htere.  perhaps a few perscriptions ought to be tightened. 

just to make one point clear, i’ve got nothing against this country, or our health system.  if you get sick and need help, i’m glad it’s there, some of you are over reading things.  i said i’m tired of dragging the lazy, and then gave tony robins up there a pat on the back for his heart felt speech for the free loaders.  i love this country, what it boils down to is i work 3 jobs, and loose a shit load of money in taxes, and every once in a while, i can’t keep that
crazy mike smile’ on my face when i look at a pay stub and salute my flag. 

huh that’s funny…I thought you were against flags.

your sarcasm meter must not work

Ooh, a sarcasm detector.  Oh, that’s a real useful invention.