Sasquatch sighting reported in Yukon … an13072005

man oh man would that be a shit your pants in the name of science if a new primate species was discovered in the new world, at this point of time.

One footprint?

If they existed wouldn’t we have caught one by now?

hard to say, hair has been Analyzed from other sitings and they are hair from a humiod creature, not human and not Ape’s… Also look at counrty’s the size of Vientam there smaller the bc, there have been numberus creature’s fond there in the last 12 years some the size of a small minture horse (a breed of Deer) to a horse that was thought to be extince from the last ice age, to a deer with gill like opening’s along side it’s mouth. there is so much we still dont know and if there is a ape like creature, like any other animal that dies in the wild, you are not going to find any bones or carcus unless it died just before u got there.

I’m the type of person where seeing is believing…

There’s a lot of nuts in the world not to mention a lot of weirdos, when I see proof I will believe.

However believing in stuff can be fun… like all the old myths and urban legends and “The guy that killed the other guy in the woods, and now the ghost is out there” etc. That’s all fun.


It was quite hard to understand, I know.

[quote=“mEtHaD”]I’m the type of person where seeing is believing…

There’s a lot of nuts in the world not to mention a lot of weirdos, when I see proof I will believe.

However believing in stuff can be fun… like all the old myths and urban legends and “The guy that killed the other guy in the woods, and now the ghost is out there” etc. That’s all fun.[/quote]

I think you’re referring to urban legends. Yes, they are fun. if you want more. Great way to kill time!


VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - The debate over the existence of sasquatch, aka Bigfoot, an ape-like creature said to haunt the wilderness of western Canada has entered the world of modern DNA testing.

A laboratory will test hair samples that several residents of Teslin, Yukon, say were left when the large, but so-far mythological creature made a late-night run through their community in early July.

University of Alberta wildlife geneticist David Coltman, who agreed to do the tests as a favor to a colleague, said on Monday that scientists have cataloged the DNA of nearly all large animals in the Yukon such as bears and bison.

“So we’ll compare it to all of that, and if it doesn’t match anything, then it’s potentially interesting,” said Coltman, who suspects the hair was actually left behind by a much more mundane Yukon bison.

“If sasquatch is indeed a primate, then we would expect the sample to be closer to humans or chimpanzees or gorillas,” Coltman said.

The legend of a large, hairy, two-legged creature lurking in the mountains of western Canada and the United States dates back to before Europeans settled the continent. This was the second report of the creature near Teslin in just over a year.

In the latest sighting, a group of Teslin residents told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. they heard branches cracking and saw a large human-like creature run by a house. It left behind large footprints, they said, and the hair tufts that were given to wildlife officials.

Coltman expects to have his results on Thursday and said that even if the hair turns out not to be from a sasquatch, the process should serve as good way to get students interested in the field of DNA testing.

“It’s sort of like a wildlife CSI story,” he said.

LOL, CSI Hairy Hunters.

The DNA came back from CSI, it looks like female pubic hair and by the damage to the DNA and the funny smell eq: smelt like fishery reduction plant. there guessing she from prince rupert and that it might be someones girlfriend from this forum no names were mentioned ?

just a bison tests came back


:laughing: LMAO :laughing:

I think I know her… :smiley: too funny lmao

shes an angel

LMAO again. And she is all Natural!!! :open_mouth:

Ah, see… it couldn’t have been an htmf member’s girlfriend… everyone knows no one here has a girlfriend! :laughing:


Ah, see… it couldn’t have been an htmf member’s girlfriend… everyone knows no one here has a girlfriend! :laughing:[/quote]

excluding you? right…lol…jk

I fought with all my might not to leave that post smartass I cound’nt resist…and your probably right .lol…