Re: testing -- please reply

I think what you wanted to say was “どうもありがとうミスターロボット” :wink:


Damn, I used up all my good material last month… :frowning:

Cant repeat my Karma action for 48 hours, I must not have lived a good life in one of my previous existences… :angry:


Anouther way to separate the cool people (popular posters) from not so cool people, I for one don’t think it’s a good thing, it separates us in to a class or a group.  I don’t think a forum that is public should be about boosting one self  image or popularity.

Thants my two and a half cents.

ok im kinda slow… where are we sposed to click??? :astonished: :confused:

I’m not seeing any icons for Karma either.

You won’t see anything that you can click under your name, but other people can give or take away karma points from you by clicking applaud or boo under your name. :smile:

You only get to assign Karma once you’re a member for a while.  I think it’s the number of posts.

Ahhhh…thanks for the clarification, MiG. :smiley: