Re: Don't shoot the messenger

yeah that same shit happened in the mid to late eighties here, the price of homes went though the roof. price of pulp was at nine hundred a ton, the rest of the economy was booming too so everyone upgraded and sold their current house and bought all those huge beautiful homes for one seventy five plus. once the mill closed it went to shit and never recovered, must be lots of  people who took a pretty big hit. that type of thing always sucks.
      of course during that same weak economy the motherfucker banks made record setting profits, the entire banking industry is corrupt. the they have collaborated with multinational corporate merchants to create a society driven by greed and jealousy. more things, new things, things we dont need, a bigger place to put all our useless things, all while children starve to death, what the fuck is wrong with us? i am as guilty as sin of it , i have so much shit i dont need, yet i still want more, the greed is never ending. life in north america is an endless pursuit of happiness through obtaining more things, cept it doesnt work, least not for me anyways. as soon as i have the thing i want i want something else, or a better one.      a handfull of people did this too, its incredible. they became billionaires cause we all fell for it, now there is no stopping it it seems, not till the oil runs out anyways. or maybe a big rock will fall out of the sky, like a gigantic reboot button, anyone else think about this type of thing much? i see those commercials on tv and kills me to see them like that, life is so unfair.
    i like to bitch about how tough my life is, but i live like a king compared to majority of the people on earth. is there any honest charities that really use the money to buy food and medicine? i use the excuse that the charities are all corrupt too so i never give them anything, and i know its just an excuse. could someone name a honest place to make a donation for food in africa i would appreciate it and i challenge all the rest of you good people that, like me, have had it too good too long without giving something back. i read an article a couple days ago said fourty thousand kids a day die of starvation, i almost felt sick, i knew they had it bad but that bad? fourty thousand a day? we need a global revolution for fuck sakes, the money that could feed them is spent on tribal warfare and mindless consumerism. what does that say about us as a species that we dont even take care of our own children, two thousand of us die each day from over eating, while fourty thousand kids starve to death. society needs to demand our politicians put an end to tribal warfare, only they want it. no people anywhere want it anymore, its only the fucking goverments. it needs to end, its pointless, painful and expensive, this is our world not theirs.

Im laughubg like the count from sesame street…wahh haaaa  haaaa…when we look where are the 200 jobs?  One ship a week…we have new high speed cranes?..ship will be gone in under 12 hrs.  Some body has been fleecing us.
The First Nations bands have the biggest clout.  If the port was going to be such a success, why not give them fair market value for the things they have been asking?  Cause  the number are merely speculaion on a huge and embellished scale.
I would love the F/N bands to hold the governments/corporations accountable for park and recreation land for ALL citizens.  That was the F/N bands would have the full support of the community