Proposed animal by-law

A license to have a child in the first place would be an excellent idea!

“Am I being detained?  No?  Well, I’ll be on my way with my dog, thanks.  We have a long walk to finish, and no, I don’t want to stop for a search or a conversation with you.”

“You want to enter my property to do what?  Let me see that paper signed by a judge.  You don’t have one?  Well, I guess you’ll be on your way then.”

Both lines work on the bylaw guy or the RCMP.  Be polite but firm.  Works great. 

Sadly, this new bylaw isn’t needed at all to deal with animal problems.  They just need better enforcement of existing bylaws (and we need to call the bylaw guy more often when we see the existing laws being violated).

Well I do still agree that animal control is a ligitamate concern in Prince rupert. there does need to be a system in place to provide some order and certainty to a “touchy” situation. I do like one idea posted here of screening owners or potential owners to weed out the idiots who are giving all pets and owners a bad name. There must be order, before I go out and catch me a mountain lion because that would be one awesome accessory and would look damn good on MySpace :imp:

Here’s the problem – you charge outrageous fees to have pets, and only the responsible pet owners will (grudgingly) register their pets.  People who are irresponsible pet owners just won’t register their pets at all. 

This bylaw will solve nothing, except give me a list of people NOT to vote for next election.

And really, that’s what the local politicians need to hear.  Tell them something like:

“Hey, next election night, when you’re wondering why you lost the election, you might want to remember this e-mail I sent you.”

there is already laws saying you cant own a wild animal that are found in canada, NO Racoons, Beavers, big cats, Bob cats, Lynx cougars, any other wild animal found in canada you want a big cat get a syberian Lynx there is a breeders back east…LOL…so we dont need a city bylaw… and realy who is going to inforce it? bylaws only work when there inforced.

Oh man, not another cougar thread.

this is Nomi
She is a cougar a real cougar not like those found down town

[original attachment deleted after 2 years]

Good point, MiG:-)  We already pay enough fees, taxes in this town.  We do not want yet another cash grab by the city.

Thats stupid, Theres going to be more cats on the streets now.  Good job city. 

I completely agree.

The animals won’t stand for this…

Here is what’s in the BC Community Charter re. a municipalities authority to enter a property … #section16

Authority to enter on or into property

16  (1)  This section applies in relation to an authority under this or another Act for a municipality to enter on property.

(2)  The authority may be exercised by officers or employees of the municipality or by other persons authorized by the council.

(3)  Subject to this section, the authority includes authority to enter on property, and to enter into property, without the consent of the owner or occupier.

(4)  Except in the case of an emergency, a person

(a) may only exercise the authority at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, and

(b) must take reasonable steps to advise the owner or occupier before entering the property.

(5)  The authority may only be used to enter into a place that is occupied as a private dwelling if any of the following applies:

(a) the occupier consents;

(b) the municipality has given the occupier at least 24 hours’ written notice of the entry and the reasons for it;

(c) the entry is made under the authority of a warrant under this or another Act;

(d) the person exercising the authority has reasonable grounds for believing that failure to enter may result in a significant risk to the health or safety of the occupier or other persons;

(e) the entry is for a purpose referred to in subsection (6) (a) in relation to regulations, prohibitions or requirements applicable to the place that is being entered.

(6)  Without limiting the matters to which this section applies, a municipality may enter on property for any of the following purposes:

(a) to inspect and determine whether all regulations, prohibitions and requirements are being met in relation to any matter for which the council, a municipal officer or employee or a person authorized by the council has exercised authority under this or another Act to regulate, prohibit and impose requirements;

(b) to take action authorized under section 17 (1) [municipal action at defaulter’s expense];

(c) in relation to section 18 [authority to discontinue providing a service], to disconnect or remove the system or works of the service;

(d) to assess or inspect in relation to the exercise of authority under section 8 (3) (c) [spheres of authority — trees].

I agree this is a blatant money grab authored by our wonderful city administrator Gord the five million dollar man.  I find it insulting and an overreaction by our local politicos to a vocal minority who may be complaining.  Just the sort of knee jerk reaction we’ve come to know and expect from this council. Unfortunately, I hold out little hope that the public wrath will be listened to by a council that simply shrugs it’s shoulders and jokes about a five million dollar budgeting mistake… After all… we can raise fees in a community that pays some of the highest municipal taxes in BC.

As for the feral cat population… frankly I’ve had more damage done to my property by the feral deer population in Prince Rupert than wild deranged killer kitty’s…  While I doubt that the wild predators that frequent our area are attracted to kitty snacks… I suspect they certainly seem to enjoy venison.  I didn’t see anything in their precious bylaw to deal with the property damage these evil marauding hordes of feral deer cause to the taxpayers. :wink:

Lets continue to waste our time with animal control bylaws and skateboarding issues instead of grappling with the real social, economic and infrastructure problems facing the community… Sheesh :unamused:

hey  the city should outlaw deer as well arent they a danger to the public, hazard to drivers, when in rut could pose a threat to children, sure lets ban them to :smiley:    better yet lets have council go on a mass deer hunt :laughing:

But please dont try and make it an exotic pet

Perhaps license the deer? 

hey, are fish included in this bylaw

We have people who do that already, but the deer isn’t usually alive when they put the license in its ear.

Funny, Let me see if I unnastan this, License my cats, not going to happen, kennedy already got a chitload of money for them with his over charging Vet bill, and now he and his friends want me to pay to have them licensed…uh no!! Fo Guck yourselves for one.

  For two, What about all the WOLVES, that are wandering our city streets and preying on our animals, Oh forgot, who is going to foot the bill for the conversation officers, not the city, no money in the budget, because somehow they lost money??

  Hmmm, Well I think this is enough about a strange society called Rupert’s elect council, Dum dey dum dum…

  Licence the wolves for being Vicious animals, Funny our town is not the wild, when did the wild animals take over? Two years ago