Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sharing the experiences of the Maori, thirty days notice for the Inlander’s owner and a former Rupertite longs for the luge, three of the items of note in the Tuesday edition of the Daily News.

PRIOR LEADER OF MAORI SHARES ABORIGINAL - GOV’T RELATIONSHIPS-- Maori leader Teru White shared his experiences of aboriginal self sufficiency in New Zealand with residents of Port Simpson on Monday night, outlining how the Maori people found ways to reduce dependence on governmental influence and became more self sustaining through the recent years. Similar interests would seem to inter twine the two peoples, the Maori have developed their lifestyle along fishing and tourism industries, similar industries as those First Nations of the North coast…

(from  the blog a town called podunk, click on the link below to see the entire article atowncalledpodunk.blogspot.com/2 … 7092065472 )-