One more store closing

Sad to read in The View that the Studio 9 store is closing. Beautiful store and wonderful staff ! I wish you all the best in the future ! I have a feeling that soon Rupert will just be a town of low-quality, spin-off stores and high end expensive “hoodie” shops! Nothing in the middle so thank goodness for online shopping !!

So do you know why they are closing?

While not surprising it is sad that Studio 9 is leaving, as it is a bit of an icon, been around for ages…

Yup high priced Hoodie shops and dollar store type junk holes are all we have left here now. Thankfully this fall I will acquire a car and be able to go to Terrace more often, as it is our shopping area… Down Town Rupert has been in the decline for many years, so thank goodness we have decent shopping up the road. Online shopping really helps as well. :smile: My car will be bought up the line.