Obama projected to win in Iowa


Still not sure why Mrs. Clinton insists on going through until June, the amount of math that she has to do to even take the vote by 1 is astronomical, the only thing I can think of is that she and her handlers are hanging on in the hopes that another Rev wright kind of thing blows up on his campaign…

Agreed.  Clinton can not win mathematically even if she wins the remaining primaries.  She is hoping to sway the remaining undecided super delegates to rally behind her.  Four undecided super delegates joined Obama’s camp today.  Also, she is hoping she can somehow get the delegates in Florida and Michigan seated…a long shot at best.  Her hopes are dimming, but, she’s going to run out the clock and see what happens.

Obama is now tied with Clinton for Super Delegates.  I predict that Obama is going to take the nomination. :smile:


I dunno you would think once they start to mock you unmercilessly on Saturday Night Live you would think you might get the message that you’re not looking too good…

The funny thing is, that they’ve pretty well defined her campaign of the last four months…

LMAO…funny stuff:-)  It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks.

Two more links of interest about this long death march to the Democratic nomination…

Madam Cllinton’s wrong turns:

time.com/time/politics/artic … 31,00.html

Mr. Obama’s future without the Madam…

observer.com/2008/why-obama- … ion-ticket

Well You Tube had to take the clip down after NBC objected, but it’s still available on the Saturday Night Live website…

nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/ … mea=250052

Mrs. Clinton continues to say the wrong thing, at the wrong time…

theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ … n2008/home


Agreed.  Her reference to the Bobby Kennedy assassination was wildly inappropriate given the real danger that Obama faces.  I also was stunned by her response when asked what she would do if Iran attacked Israel.  Clinton said she would use nukes on Iran and obliterate them…that demonstrated a complete disconnect with reality to me.  She sounds like more of a hawk than Bush.

Carter thinks that Clinton should pack it in after the primary season is over on June 3rd.

Obama wins the Democratic nomination for the presidency.  Clinton does not concede…just yet…she’s angling for the VP spot:-)


Yeah, right.  After all that bad blood?  Not a chance.  Having the Clintons running around trying to sabotage an administration wouldn’t be a good idea.

But then again – keep your enemies closer, right?

I think Edwards should be the running mate (or Gore!).  Personally, I always like Edwards’s stand on things.  I think he would make a great president, and will be a fine vice-president.

Who is McCain bringing along for VP?

McCain/Cheny in “Vote ‘Damn kids, stay off my lawn!’ '08”.

Agreed.  Edwards would be the perfect choice for VP.  But, he has publicly said that he does not want the job.  But, in politics never say never.  Gore would also be great, but, again, I think he’s a long shot at best.
Obama has some real problems with poor white Democratic voters ( Kentucky, Pennsylvania, etc) as they side with Clinton.  Obama will be lobbying Clinton furiously behind the scenes in the next few days to get her public support.
Will she be the VP?  I’m not sure, MiG.  I agree though, that Obama is probably gritting his teeth as he contemplates the thought of her on the ticket.  I think it will depend on what the remaining uncommitted super delegates do.  When Carter endorses Obama today that may encourage the remaining super delegates to side with Obama.
I think that if Clinton is not the VP you will see her in a prominent role in Obama’s cabinet.  Clinton needs to concede defeat and start to help to heal the wounds of a very divisive primary season.  As much as I dislike Clinton’s style she is a formidable force in the Democratic party.  Obama will need the Clintons to help him to re-capture the White House for the Democratic party.  Politics is an odd game.  I predict that we have not seen the last of the Clintons.
The geriatric McCain has not picked a running mate yet. :smile:

Awesome…the Night of the Living Dead ticket. :sunglasses:  Old bastards rule. :smiley:

Don’t forget Governor Richardson of New Mexico, he was one of the first to throw in the towel and throw his support towards Obama… He being an old Clinton loyalist brought a lot of delegates over with him and he’d be a major asset in going for the Hispanic vote.

Then again as pointed out Obama needs to gain southern votes, so find a Senator or governor south of North Carolina and maybe that will be your VP nominee, I can’t see Mrs. Clinton as the VP, too much baggage from the campaign despite all the kumbaya of late on the stage…

As for the Republicans it looks like Romney is doing the most lobbying at the moment for the VP nominee, but short of exhuming Ronald Reagan I don’t know if there is anyone Conservative enough for the likings of the Republicans these days…

Once upon a time it was thought that Guiliani was a shoe in, but hmmmm, we don’t seem to hear much from or about him anymore…

If McCain really want to shake things up he could pick JC Watts as his running mate, now that would make for an interesting race… One of the few black republicans in the party who has a record to run on and has some public presence already. 

Not going to happen but it would be interesting (if not a bit transperent mind you)

I also like the idea of Richardson as VP.  I’ll be very curious to see who the VP will be.

Clinton announced that she’ll be suspending her campaign on Friday.


Clinton suspends her campaign for the presidency and endorses Obama.  I’m very curious to see who the VP will be:-)


VP Clinton would make a good “life insurance policy”…
however, she may want a more prominent portfolio. Like being in charge of a UHC plan.

Agreed.  Obama probably doesn’t want to even consider her for the number two spot, but, she can help him with the working class vote.
I hope that the Clintons will get out the vote for the Democrats in November…interesting times ahead. :smiley: