Nipples for my N connectors

We were going to set up a wireless guy with some older USB radios and outdoor grid antennas today. The guy’s a bit of a pain and came in every day to talk about getting his wireless connection soon as he had money. Every day for last 3 months, rushed through the whole shop to interrupt me in the server room. :unamused:
So today was the big day, he called 3X and left messages before we were open, called the minute we walked in. Told him we’d be there around noon. At 12:15 there were 3 more messages, then the phone rang and he asked if we were on the way. When we have lunch, we will leave!
We had to run LMR200 cable and I opened the parts bag, no nipples were left. So I blow my cool in the back room and curse "Whole f***ing bag of FEMALE N’s and there’s not ONE NIPPLE in there!"
I walk out the room, dialing the guy to tell him the bad news. The front of the shop two women are giggling at me… :astonished:
Then when I tell the guy he says he’ll call tomorrow. I said "Duh, tomorrow’s Saturday!"
So he says “Then I’ll call you Monday”. I said, “I told you I have to order the parts, it’s friday afternon, they won’t ship until Monday. That means they wont be here until Weds. or Thurs. Call THURSDAY, OKAY!!!” and clicked off.
That’s when I saw the women snickering again.
Do you always tell your customers ‘duhhh’?

Whoops… :smiley:

It’s funny, because normally when I hear a businessperson talking about a customer service horror story, I go, “Whatever… for every hoorror story, they must get 1000 custmoers who just come in, get their service, and happily pay their bill before leaivng.”

Except for herbie, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t get any “good” customers.

I’m telling you, next time I’m in the area, I’m going to drive up to Fort St. James, go into his shop buy some blank DVDs and walk out again. 

Wait, better yet…  I’ll go in and tell him I can get the same stuff at Staples in PG for $2.99 cheaper. 

When I’m in your shop herbie here’s what I’ll ask. :smiley:

Dude…I need help wit teh Internets…I keep gettin ponies
Dude…put down the hammer, dude!!!


2/10 happy as described
a la MiG, 4/10
a la MiG but telling you they can get the stack of DVDs not for 2.99 less in PG, but for 2.99 total, 2/10
horrorshow, 2/10

This is the Fort. To quote a FSJSS teacher, if (you’re sober and) your IQ’s over 80, you’re Malcom in the Middle…

I totally expected to see “If you’re sober and your IQ’s over 80, clap your hands.”
Total let down :frowning:

LMAO :sunglasses: