Mayor Pond is "Herding" Podunkians with taxes

I think its time to clean up the Pond Scum and all his lil lemmings.

I think it is interesring that so many people believe that the game of politics is so black and white. It is not an easy position, public servants have a very tough job, it is not so easy as supporting what a person believes is right or wrong, most decisions are weighing the lesser of two evils or compromising one’s morals and such.
In a field of politics I could name many people who would be good leaders, but unfortunately most of these pepople are smart enough to stay out of it. As for Pond I do not know of very mant people who could, or should I say WOULD have done the job he has done for our city. Translation: he is doing what we voted him in to do.

Hey…I remember you…  :smiley:

To be clear - I don’t remember him saying 3%, but I do remember him saying he would try (he did say try) to lower residential taxes within 3 years.