May 1st celibration and I

I find it very interesting that I Am here on this planet because I have no clue what I Am doing here. I love the scenes and the people are great but it all still seems weird to me. When I look around I see stuff of all shapes and sizes, texture soft or hard whatever…my so called reality…
Christianity was taught to me as a child but that was so loose in my family I’m BLESSED that it never stuck …I can’t pretend that I Am some muscle minded kid because I see some intelligent wise people in the craziest situations, stuck is some sort of happy hell.
Anyways, when I see a place that scientist can’t even explain then there are all sorts of Ideas and theory’s, YET, the search still goes on and on…Fun ride though, through ALL this stuff I’m engulfed in. Am I starting to sound like an exestentialist evangelist ???Who Am I???What is it ALL about???WHY???Well here it is, right here in front of me, within me and everywhere or everything, any time-place, whoever, whatever, The BIG mystery…aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, there I said it…
Still I see only the things I choose to see, filtering out the rest of reality…Hiding from fear of MY Big mystery. Invisible things to rely on, come on is that faith???

“Seeing is believing” Quote that hides the hidden away and doubt will make it stay in that place they say is dark and evil… but hay, could be just a momentary flight and back on the ground, even though short makes up for the down…
I can live in hell all My lives and one spark of reason outweighs all the sorrow and pain I can muster…
This is May Day today so enjoy your way in this beautiful CLAY… 8)

something tells me you either need to raise or lower your psilocin intake.

I think I’ll just write and get my fix off responses like yours, thanx for the little rush… :smiling_imp: