Linux on my work desktop?

Just tried Knoppix. Very slick piece of work. MiG is right about the auto detection. As Knoppix booted it detected everything I had both on my vanilla desktop and when I tried it in an IBM A20m notebook w/wireless it came right up no prob.

Kinda mac os’ish in some ways. Transparent shell windows, very nice look.

Desktop is very nice. Now how can I acutally install this distro onto the notebook? I want to dual boot with this one.

I think you can download a regular install CD. But if you’re going to do a regular install, give the new Mandrake a try too.

Knoppix FAQ here: has some more info.

Hmm… I was actually running this at home last night on the PeeCee.

As soon as I get my RAM back from Alex, hint hint, we are going to do the “12-year old girl tackles Linux desktop” test.
