Legalize weed?

HTMF: Frequenting the Grecian.

OK :wink: :blush: :confused: :laughing: :smiley: :bulb: I had no proof on the Coffee thing. Someone told it like it was true and I fell pray to the info. I can’t say that it is untrue because I couldn’t find it on the computer search… I feel like a DONKEY…guess i have to research my memory banks and draw out all the bull…SO many things already accepted by me to form constructs of conscious thought. These constructs of memory seem to form thier own defense mec. when faith is involved(To believe without question)…Nerves in my mind form and shapeshift to embody the next thing I learn to believe and strengthen the more I think it. I grow more nerve memory every time…Grow as we know thay say…So if there is fear involved with one belief and also a bunch of passions, wouldn’t that belief embody it’s own consciousness. Say that a bug is premitive thought. That bug may only embody base instincts, who knows how smart it is??? Still, most will say that the thing has consciousness… Fear, the need to survive, and whatever else…I think this is the reason for all my personalities… I Am a different person at nite then when I wake and all sorts of myselves true and untrue throughout the day… Should I listen to the PROFESSIONALS when they say “PULL YOUR self TOGETHER” Or shall I enjoy the people that I create??? man, I think I Am way to high on coffee and had a little too much refer to continue on with this, somone may commit ME :smiling_imp: Well here is some more info on POT if you are still reading my long but passionate post… O yeah, heres the link :imp:

they make the laws and if you change them they’ll pull the rug. If you don’t like the laws, so what.
How DARE police teaching lies to My children.

(the following LTE is in the actual newspaper but they do not publish LTE’s on their website.)

Dear Editor of The Palatka Daily News,

Nearly every North American study including government studies indicate even the revamped model of DARE (PCSO studies DARE program: Hardy’s Slot Unlikely To Be Used Elsewhere, Mar. 2, 2005), is a failure and may be doing more harm than good. DARE teaches lies about cannabis claiming medical use of cannabis is a hoax and DARE supports caging adult humans for using cannabis.

It is commendable to help youth resist drugs, alcohol, cannabis, coffee and cigarettes until they are older and responsible for their choices, but caging responsible adult cannabis users is not the correct way to do it. As an obedient Christian I resist government teaching My children the plant cannabis is evil when We are taught God created all the seed bearing plants saying they are all good on literally the very 1st page of the Bible.

Money used for DARE should be applied toward programs that work.


(one of the problems with police is that they have unions. Police must be prohibited from having unions.

Exposing the police union, is part of Our job.)