Is chances prince rupert closeing next year?

Chances is just a ripoff business. I’ll be pressuring city council to shut the place down for lack of adherence to their promises. The place is a dump and they are just after people’s money. Boycott the place and close them down!

Long live Boycotts!


Chances is just a ripoff business. I’ll be pressuring city council to shut the place down for lack of adherence to their promises. The place is a dump and they are just after people’s money. Boycott the place and close them down!

Long live Boycotts![/quote]

meh, same old same old from the usual suspects.

What ever happened to freedom of choice, if people don’t want to go there, then just don’t go through the doors.

I haven’t seen anyone frog marched into the place at gunpoint in recent months.

City Council should best control whatever it is that it can control, which of late seems to be mainly changing the paper in the tax bill printer making sure that the increasing digits of taxation are all accounted for.

Please go if you want. Never said you couldn’t choose to go. Please reread my post.

I re-read your post, boycotts and forced closures by the city, interesting town you want to live in. What else would you have the city shut down, bars, movie theatres, unsightly stores (what few there are). Doesn’t seem like a strategy that shows a city welcome to industry.

As for the freedom of choice, you can boycott if you wish, but rather than have the city force the place to “shut down” maybe just let the residents of the city, the ones that pay the taxes, have the choice to make for themselves.

Occupy chances anyone? Just leave the chef!