Homework Help ( foods eight )

Ok, I take that back.  From just surfing around, about half the sources I found say that commercial eggs are fertilized, while the other half say they aren’t.

I guess you’ll have to do a CSI DNA test on an egg to find out.

As you said, other sources says this:

From  http://tinyurl.com/6a4zu


[quote]Fertile Eggs
Eggs which can be incubated and developed into chicks. Fertile eggs are not more nutritious than nonfertile eggs, do not keep as well as nonfertile eggs and are more expensive to produce. Fertile eggs may contain a small amount of male hormone, but there are no known advantages.[/quote]

From  http://www.aeb.org/LearnMore/EggFacts.htm

And also this one, which should be reliable if the canadian norms are similar to the american norms.

[quote]Are Fertilized Eggs More Nutritious?
No. There is no benefit in eating fertilized eggs. There is no nutritional difference in fertilized eggs and infertile eggs. Most eggs sold today are infertile; roosters are not housed with the laying hens. If the eggs are fertile and cell development is detected during the candling process, they are removed from commerce.[/quote]

From  http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Focus_On_Shell_Eggs/index.asp

I also found a few little gems as I was searching:
" My mom thought that the eggs were fertilized by the rooster pecking the top of the hen’s head. She saw this happen frequently on the farm as a girl."

“I had to assure a group of hysterical 15 year old girls that egg yolk is not, in fact, an aborted, liquefied chicken fetus. They were literally in tears over it.”

Somewhere out there is an egg nerd (egghead?) that can answer this once and for all.

Maybe I’ll change the wikipedia entry and see what happens.

When is the egg of a chicken considered to be alive?

At conception.

ya Charles_T but a Placenta is a Placenta whether its in a fertilized egg or not  :cry:
you all eat unfertilized chicken afterbirths, you sick mother F@*&%ing monsters :astonished: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

I missed having chicken menses and smoked pig’s ass this morning.

from Benny Hill: