Help: Have to Get Out of This Place

OK, here’s the best one yet: A guy comes in today and tells me he saw a box of wireless equipment and went to ‘their’ (the radio maker’s) website. Says "Why would I pay you $250 for installation and setup, when I can buy the radio direct from them for $376?"
I guess I was slow to respond, so he says it again.
I answer, “Did you just ask why you should buy it from me for $250 with setup included when you could buy it for $376 and do it yourseflf?”
“Yeah!” (implied tone “you fucking crook”)
I said said he’d have to ask someone else because I had one hell of a headache.

You know, I dropped Psych 6 credits short of my degree when I realized I couldn’t handle fucked up people. Gotta get the hell out of the Fort!

All the more reason to be condescending! :laughing: