Happy items here

Okay, so there have been many topics recently about rather depressing topics – I’ll not mention them, but they are easy to find.  Very rarely do people post about the nice, joyful, happy moments in Rupert – other than the progress on the port.  By focusing on the negative, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy – we see the negative more often, even though goodness, kindness, happiness, and the like are all around us.  So if you have a “goodâ€[/quote]

The iPhone corrects “fricken” to “fricker”  what’s up with that?

if you come to Vancouver I provide lap dance, I dance nicely, you like my dance you like me!

I lol’d.  That makes me happy.

Rogers Wireless coming to town makes me happy  :smiley:
maybe my cell bill will go down in price?